Am I going to die?

Nurses General Nursing


I am a first year nursing student and had my patient at clinical today ask me if they were going to die? Being totally caught off guard I turned it back to the patient and replied "what are your concerns about dying?" In post-conference I told the group and felt that my response was not what I would have liked to have said to this patient. Our instructor said that we should think about what we would tell any patient that asked that because as nurses you WILL have patients ask you and you should be prepared. Just curious as to what others do in this situation.

sometimes they need to be reassured sometimes you need to address the situation head on

ask if they would like to speak to a chaplain, ask them what they doctor has told them don't poopah over their question so that you can get out of the room

i have had many who when they had a sense of impending death they did indeed have only days left if that long

however i had a sweet old guy who was scheduled for an ab aortic aur repair he would sit in the bed and say 'poor old henry, this is the end for poor old henry, he came through the surgery with flying colors, i think it kinda surprised him when he woke up

For a first year student I'm really impressed with your answer. Its a good open ended question which makes the patient think. Good for you.

I know this is an old post but I wanted to add, years ago when I was in a MVA, I woke up in the ER to find a nurse over me and I asked her "Am I going to die?". Her response..."We dont know yet." and with that walked away. Pls dont ever tell a patient this. If your on the receiving end of is extremely unsettling.

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