Published Aug 23, 2005
89 Posts
Just picked up my books yesterday for a/p I and intro to psyc, and now the real planning begins.
I've pulled out my planner and basically made my daily schedule of what needs to be done when.
My classes are mon 1030-1150 a/p wed 1030-1150 a/p 330-550 a/p lab and thurs psyc 9-1150. That leaves me with the plan to arrive at school on my class days at 9am, and leave mon/thurs at 2pm, on my lab day (wed) I'll arrive at 9 and leave after the lab.
My plan is to spend those extra hours in the library studying my butt off. coming up with a "house schedule" is not doable yet, as my girls soccer starts next week and i'll get the schedule for that then. Then where do I dump housework? Where do I dump laundry...oh man, I hate my OCD ways when it comes to stuff like this.
My planner is filled with different colors during the day- each meaning something else....uuuuggggghhhhhhhhh
I think i'm going to clean the bathroom and get my mind off of this.
I'm actually already planning out my next 2 semesters of classes...shesh!
76 Posts
Just picked up my books yesterday for a/p I and intro to psyc, and now the real planning begins.I've pulled out my planner and basically made my daily schedule of what needs to be done when.My classes are mon 1030-1150 a/p wed 1030-1150 a/p 330-550 a/p lab and thurs psyc 9-1150. That leaves me with the plan to arrive at school on my class days at 9am, and leave mon/thurs at 2pm, on my lab day (wed) I'll arrive at 9 and leave after the lab. My plan is to spend those extra hours in the library studying my butt off. coming up with a "house schedule" is not doable yet, as my girls soccer starts next week and i'll get the schedule for that then. Then where do I dump housework? Where do I dump laundry...oh man, I hate my OCD ways when it comes to stuff like this.My planner is filled with different colors during the day- each meaning something else....uuuuggggghhhhhhhhh I think i'm going to clean the bathroom and get my mind off of this.I'm actually already planning out my next 2 semesters of classes...shesh!Brandy
I also clean the bathroom when I am needing to get my mind on something else, lol. Relax, you will get into the swing of things after a week or two in class. I found that being obsessed with keeping the house organized gets put on the back burner while classes are in session. Sometimes you just have to let the laundry pile up, or other household tasks. Ask hubby or kids to help you with some of it. It doesn't go anywhere trust me, it will be there when you do get time to take care of it. I found getting up early before anyone else in the family did, gave me time to study, clean etc. It just becomes a matter of finding the time to do everything, but it is doable. Good luck!
118 Posts
Hi Brandy, which happens to be my name too. I am going to the bookstore to pick up my books for A&P tomorrow, and I am taking Sociology. I am nervous about this because I also took an online Stress mngmt(2credit) class, which is covered for Phy. Ed credit. I am wondering how I will manage all of this. 3 nights a week I will be in school straight after work. I almost keep thinking of dropping sociology because I hear how much time A&P will take up. I have 2 boys that are 10 and 6. With them starting back to school is where more work is to be done, there homework, mom's homework, house work more laundry.... and so on. Good luck, let me know how your first day is.
Boy do I know what your going through~!
Originally I had wanted to take my math elective this semester as well, however with the a/p being a huge time commitment I decided against it. I do have my intro to psyc syllabus and it looks as though thats going to be a huge time taker too. I only have psyc 1x a week for 3 hours, so you know whats going to be crammed into that 3 hour period and then the homework...
I decided when I took the challenge to go back to school that I was going to work a minimal amount. I will be working as a waitress every other weekend, but that meant I had to take out the max independent student stafford. The one thing I did not want to worry about was money. I know that not everyone is able to do this, and I am thankful that I decided to do so. I'm on vacation this week, go back to my real job next week, and on September 2nd I'm done with my "real job".
I really think that if I just keep reminding myself that this is not going to be a 20 year deal, that if I buckle down I can do this in 3, I will make it.
Off to help the girls clean out the bedrooms!
38 Posts
Brandy, did I read somewhere that you're going to NHCTC Claremont? If so, I'm going to be in your A&P class (but taking a different lab)! I'm taking Psych too, but in a different section. I'm also starting first semester ADN program, didn't get waitlisted like I'd planned, so am taking the gen ed stuff and the nursing at the same time. Am I nuts??? :chuckle
I have 2 boys, ages 10 and 6, and live in Unity. I work part time in my church, and am an EMT with the Unity VFD. I'm excited for Sept. 6 but also terrified!!!
Looking forward to meeting you! If you want to chat off-list, pm me!
Karen :)
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I need to do a house schedule!!!
It seems I have a nack at balancing studying and, but I have a problem with dusting, laundry, cooking.......etc. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Maybe one of these days I can manage. lol
Good luck to you!!!
3,322 Posts
I guess there is an advantage to being a guy, but when I was planning classes and study, and work, and kids, somehow, I don't ever remember planning or, for that matter, even thinking about housework . . .
Bad, timothy (smacks my wrists).
I hope your wife has taught you a lesson! lol
I guess there is an advantage to being a guy, but when I was planning classes and study, and work, and kids, somehow, I don't ever remember planning or, for that matter, even thinking about housework . . .hehe. Bad, timothy (smacks my wrists).~faith,Timothy.
129 Posts
The only thing I have planned out is what classes I am going to take what term.
The house goes into a slow decline as the term progresses and completely falls apart before finals. LOL!
Brandy, did I read somewhere that you're going to NHCTC Claremont? If so, I'm going to be in your A&P class (but taking a different lab)! I'm taking Psych too, but in a different section. I'm also starting first semester ADN program, didn't get waitlisted like I'd planned, so am taking the gen ed stuff and the nursing at the same time. Am I nuts??? :chuckle I have 2 boys, ages 10 and 6, and live in Unity. I work part time in my church, and am an EMT with the Unity VFD. I'm excited for Sept. 6 but also terrified!!!Looking forward to meeting you! If you want to chat off-list, pm me! Karen :)
WOW! How cool is that!
Wow, you got in without the gen ed stuff done with no wait list? HOLY MOLY your my inspiration.
Na your not nuts, wait till I figure out my spring semester classes, you can call me nuts then!....
Do you have Prof. Roy for psyc? I just made a post about her pre 1st class list of "homework"... makes me nervous!
I'm in Rockingham, and hope to be in the ADN program next fall. We'll see how this semester and spring goes. I hope to have the pre-reqs, and gen ed stuff done by fall, but I might end up with just Micro left to take.
Did you have to take an Algebra, Chemistry etc. too?
You all will be fine with those classes. I loved Sociology and Psych. Hopefully you will get a very interesting professor for those classes. It makes all the world of a difference. Good luck.
Yup, not sure how that happened, although I took the NLN and apparently scored really well there, that and I have my EMT license, so I've got some experience working with patients, think those things may have been the clincher.
No, I have the other prof...ummmm Alves-Latore? I think? I have to keep my job at the church for the first year, so needed an evening class. I'm a little concerned though, I'm not buying most of my books at school, what if she did the same thing???
I took the chem prerequisite, and I don't believe that there's any more required, I took it through the Claremont Adult Learning Center - didn't learn anything that I think will be helpful, but passed with a B. I'm hoping to do credit by exam for Algebra and Comp I, since I have taken them, but my credits didn't transfer as they're more than 10 years old. I have an AS in Business Admin, graduated in 1993.
I'm 32, and more excited than I was going to college at 18! LOL
We'll have to make sure that we find each other at orientation! :)