Advice on CRNBC Registration Qualifying Courses...



I've been offered a RN job in a Vancouver hospital starting work next summer and have been pursuing the registration with CRNBC. I'm currently a UK registered nurse working in England.

CRNBC have assessed my application and advised that my training is lacking in paediatric clinical hours and I need to undertake a paediatric clinical qualifying course before I am eligable to take the exam.

Does anybody have any advice on how this can be done from the UK?

Or alternatively can I come to Canada to do this and can anybody recommend a good course in Vancouver? If I follow a clinical qualifying course in Vancouver do I need a interim practising permit from CRNBC? Because at present I can't apply for a temporary work permit to come to Canada until I get an interim practising permit... A bit like chicken and the egg..!

Any help or advice would be great!




Before anything else, i would like to say Hi. Im an RN from a different country and upon credential evaluation by CRNBC. They told me that i dont need anything and can work with an interim permit, this may sound negative but its hard to get a job with an interim permit, if u will be given an interim permit u have to be supervised by a candian nurse which is kind of hard now since most hospitals lack nurses. As a friendly advice, i would strongly suggest that u take your qualifying courses here since that will also serve as an introduction to canadian setting and would count for your hospital hours as well. so finally when u finish the exam and get the results.u can easily get a job.

Right now, im taking a refresher course at kwantlen university college, and im telling you, i dont have any regrets. it will definitely help u in the end. goodluck to u.

By the way, whre are u in BC maybe i can help you find school if we are in the same area. Take Care

oooppps, i missed the part that u cant come to canada. sorry i dont know how u can do it, but most people i know applied for either student permit or permenent resident. goodluck to u.

I don't believe you need an interim permit to take extra courses to qualify. I believe you would have to register as a student. I've heard that Douglas college offers the needed courses and clinicals and you can even take the theory portion by distance, so all you'd have to do in Canada is the clinical. BCIT is another school that offers specialty courses in peds.


I am an Indian RN having temporary supervised registration from CRNBC and I am not getting visa for writing CRNE. If any body can tell about any employer or any refresher course which I can join and get a study permit.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

I am an Indian RN having temporary supervised registration from CRNBC and I am not getting visa for writing CRNE. If any body can tell about any employer or any refresher course which I can join and get a study permit.


I'm sorry but I don't understand exactly what you're asking. You can't be registered even temporarily with any college of nursing in Canada if you haven't written the CRNE.

I'm sorry but I don't understand exactly what you're asking. You can't be registered even temporarily with any college of nursing in Canada if you haven't written the CRNE.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I am registered for writing CRNE on Octobr 8, 2008 but my visa was rejected by Canadian Consulate Chandigarh India.

Now I have 2 options :

1. Job offer from a BC employer and get work permit.

2. Join any college for refresher course for International Nurses and get study permit.

I require your help in finding any BC employer or a BC college which provides refresher course. I have done a hard work for CRNBC temp. supervised registration. Pl, help and guide me in finding BC employer or A BC college where I can join and come to Canada and write CRNE.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I am registered for writing CRNE on Octobr 8, 2008 but my visa was rejected by Canadian Consulate Chandigarh India.

Now I have 2 options :

1. Job offer from a BC employer and get work permit.

2. Join any college for refresher course for International Nurses and get study permit.

I require your help in finding any BC employer or a BC college which provides refresher course. I have done a hard work for CRNBC temp. supervised registration. Pl, help and guide me in finding BC employer or A BC college where I can join and come to Canada and write CRNE.


You need to contact hospitals and look for employers willing to employ you. Issues you may have is being refused a visa already.

Check out the replies already to your other posts

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I am registered for writing CRNE on Octobr 8, 2008 but my visa was rejected by Canadian Consulate Chandigarh India.

Now I have 2 options :

1. Job offer from a BC employer and get work permit.

2. Join any college for refresher course for International Nurses and get study permit.

I require your help in finding any BC employer or a BC college which provides refresher course. I have done a hard work for CRNBC temp. supervised registration. Pl, help and guide me in finding BC employer or A BC college where I can join and come to Canada and write CRNE.


I think what you're asking is beyond the capacity of most members here. We don't provide employment placement or any other sort of placement service - in fact, it's against the terms of service for us to do that sort of thing, or to provide links to someone who does. And it's a lot of work to ask someone to perform for you.

The following universities in BC offer re-entry courses for registered nurses. I'm not aware of what the requirements are for admissions as related to IENs or what steps are followed to obtain a student visa.

The sheer number of potential employers in BC makes it unrealistic to track them down and post them for you.

I found a report on IENs that was prepared by the Canadian Nurses' Association that may provide you with some more information on processes and contacts:

Be aware that there is absolutely NO way that any of this can be arranged in time for you to write the CRNE on October 8, a mere 24 days from now. You have until September 30 to withdraw and be reimbursed a portion of your exam fee. My best guess is that you might have everything in place in time to write on June 3, 2009, unless you've already registered to write on February 4; the deadline for that sitting is November 6. I won't ask why your visa was denied, as that's none of my business, but those reasons may affect your subsequent applications. Because you don't have an employer in BC already in place, and/or you are not currently pursuing a post-basic clinical nursing education in BC, you don't actually have temporary supervised registration with CRNBC, although you partially qualify. Your temporary registration will expire on February 28, 2009 unless you are able to renew it, and any fees you have submitted are non-refundable.

There is much work ahead of you. I wish you luck.

Does anyone know the differences between RN Re-entry program and RN refresher program?

Hi, I also registered one offsite and 2 in class courses in Kwantlen. I just wondered are these hard courses? I currently have 2 part-time jobs(one is retail saler, one is caregiver) to pay for my expenses. Should I quit jobs and concentrate to study? I'll need to take conslidate med/sug course later, has anyone know where can I find the information that I can do practicum? Richmond hospital has no preceptor so it can't be one of the choices.

Hi , after my SEC assesment I need to do one year re-entry programme for registered nurses as required by CRNBC , the waithin list to get enroll in Kwantlen is too long . cAn i do it from Thompson rivers university Kamloops . has anyone done it from Thompson university . I am IEN and working as LPN here . thanks to all

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