

Specializes in stna for 10 yrs..

Can an LPN advertise to do Home health care as an idividual?

Specializes in Mental Health, Medical Research, Periop.

I've seen newspaper ads in which people offered "sitter" services and they mentioned being a LPN/CNA. I don't know what/if there are requirements for this. good luck to you!!

Specializes in stna for 10 yrs..
Can an LPN advertise to do Home health care as an idividual?

I'd check the LPN Practice Act for your state :)

Insurance is an issue...

Specializes in family practice.

I know in NY if you have a medicaid number you they put your name on a list and potential clients would call. But if you advertise privately and the family pays directly then you would need to get your own insurance but it can be done

remember that no matter what you do, you must never, ever, ever exceed your scope of practice. i strongly advise you to go online and get your state's scope of practice for lpns. you should also be able to ask this question of the nursing board in your state, or call your state nurses' association.

then if you want to be in business for yourself, get some advice on insurance, finance (as in, how do i get paid? and taxes?), and so forth. score (service corps of retired executives) is a great place to start with all that. it really isn't just advertising you're available and going to a place to work:twocents:.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

How would you get paid? Most home health care is billed through Medicare.

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