Advantages/Disadvantages being a male in nursing

Nursing Students Male Students


Alright guys, I've always had this little question in the back of my head. What exactly are the advantages or disadvantages of being a male in nursing? Or is there any advantages or disadvantages? Is there any pay or position difference? If anyone could, i know theres not supposed to be, seperate the different tasks or obligations that do or can exist between the two genders. Basically, does anyone see any difference male and female nurses?


No, there are no monetary/clinical benefits available for men in nursing. You won't get a better/worse job for being a male RN. You may have a harder time getting a job in a traditionally estrogen-rich environment such as L&D, Postpartum, etc ( I work NICU, got hired the day I applied) Well, here are some of the benefits/negatives of being a man in nursing.


You will be looked to for leadership no matter what your experience.

You will be the yin to the other 30 female nurses yang

Face it, you'll be somewhat of a celebrity. (I'm the only guy in Womens/Childrens services right now)


You will be the go-to man for heavy lifting, nasty-old-man peri-care, squabbles.

You'll have to listen to female problems around the clock! ;>P

Your management may not be in tune to the way men operate and respond to leadership. This usually isn't a problem after they learn how to manage a man in addition to their 3o female nurses.

I know this is random and confusing, but gender really doesn't matter. You're a RN. Your job is the same regardless of gender. Good luck!

Stevern21 ~NICU/PICU

That is one funny note you got there. I happened to open this forum because I know a few guys who works in nicu since i work at women's and children department as well. You're right about being on the spot light just because you're a male rn and hey need a little of of testosterone in our department from time to time. Anyhow, I know a male who works at labor and delivery that is because they have used to work as an OB Technician so there's nothing new to him about l & d there.

In the end, no matter what you do what you're good at as a nurse and you are right about that

I wonder if this question has anything to do with meet the fockers with ben stiller?

I took a CE class this summer in Aseptic Techniques. 7 women and me,the token male. In the lab we all had to demonstrate proper sterile technique to insert a foley in male and female rubber dummies.

I must admit embarassement with both procedures especially with 7 women observing my technique. The instructor was also a woman.

She said when I have to do it on a woman for real it was essential that I call a female nurse into the room before the procedure.

However, when a female nurse does a foley on a male patient she does NOT have to call a male nurse into the room prior to the procedure.

Neither one of my patients got a UTI:D

So much to learn.

I love it,


ps: I passed the exam and have a certificate:yeah:

Im referred to as the 'boy toy' because I am relatively younger, former USAF, and single. Oh, and since I weight train seriously they just love utilizing my 'talent' hahaha

Im in schoo right now, I just hope I can past the test to be certified lol

thinking over what may be some tongue and cheek pros and cons of being a male nursing student:

advantage: can reach the top shelf of the clean utility.

disadvantage: having to reach the top shelf of the clean utility

advantage: logical thinking and seeing things in black and white seems to come easier to males

disadvantages: passing nursing school tests

advantage: can actually eat a real meal during clinical days without having to do the bird-pecking at a small salad

disadvantage: most clinicals have lackluster cafeterias

advantage: can see over shorter nurses

disadvantage: waiting on an electric bed to rise to a workable level and then putting it back down

that's about it so far...maybe some more inequities will arise as the semesters roll on by.

My dad is a macho guy from the old school and when he finished nursing school he didn't go into the profession because, in his words, there were "too many catty women". He said something harsher than catty but you get the idea. He didn't like taking orders from a woman and by then he was usually the oldest student so he especially hated being told what to do by a younger woman.

Now he got over all that and he went into the profession with an open mind. He has a very strong personality and is a leader so people take him seriously and look to him to lead. This was especially true when he worked as a psych nurse and had to deal with violent people and had frail old ladies as his coworkers.

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
This is a question about nursing school:

In your opinion, with all else being equal, does a male applicant stand a better chance at getting into a program than a female applicant?

Nope. Not even a little bit.

Specializes in Perioperative Nursing.

I think a major disadvantage (depending on how you look at it) is that the men will ALWAYS be called to help with the heavy lifting and reaching! LOL.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

guys, make a new post instead of bringing one back from 2006.

guys, make a new post instead of bringing one back from 2006.

why, what's wrong with bringing back an old one when its the same topic?

The female to male ratio is a nice advantage.

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