Adult Nursing Students: How do you pay your bills while in school?


I have been wracking my brain on how to pay my mortgage, bills and eat while in nursing school. I will be taking my last Pre-req class this spring, and it is the time to apply to a nursing school, but I am at my wits end with worry. I already have an Associates in Medical Lab technology, and work full time, but the pay is low, so saving is extremely difficult. I have a mortgage and bills, so I can not just up and leave my house and live off my parents, who are also strapped for money anyway. Long story short, I have bills, previous student loans, and no one to help me out. Are there any nurses or students with similar stories who have made it through while working full time?

currently I am living off of student loans. my boyfriend and I live together and he has a full time job so he pays majority of the bills and with my refund I help with the bills, school expenses and I currently receive food assisitance. its difficult. I have considered moving into a low income housing for the duration of nursing school because the bills are overwhelming for just one person and we have two kids.

I am in the same situation. Mortgage, bills, low paying job with basically no way to save, no help from anyone, etc... I also have 2 kids and one has medical special needs so her medical bills are high and fluctuate month to month too.

Basically, to pay bills, I work full time. I plan on working full time while in nursing school too. I am going to a night/weekend part time BSN program so I am hoping to be able to handle it all. I have so far so I don't think it's going to be an issue. If it becomes a problem then I will cut down on hours. Private student loans are hard to get so living off of them is impossible for me.

I hope you are able to figure out a way to make it work!!!

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

I dont work. My husband does, and I use student loan and grants each semester to tide us over if we are tight one month or something comes up. We have 2 kids, 2 cars, and all the normal rent and utility stuff. I stay at home with the kids during the day and focus on school when hes home. Without my husband, I would probably need to work and max out student loans to survive.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

I worked full time, 40 hours a week, while in nursing school. Would work two 12 hour shifts Friday and Saturday nights, then two 8 hour shifts, usually PM shift, during the week. Wasn't easy but doable. Lot's and lots of my classmates where doing the same thing.

I work part time and my husband works full time. We learned how to live on very little in the past so it won't be such an adjustment. I have three kids and I picked the program I just got into purposely since it is the least expensive in the area. Also this is my FIRST semester where I qualify for financial aid so YAY!

My cousin saved up enough to cover bills and stopped working during school. When she ran out of money she had to take a few semesters off to build up her money again. Her school worked with her and allowed it.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I became an LPN first, so I could work during my RN schooling. I do private duty/homecare, which mean tons of downtime to get stuff done, and decent pay. I couldn't have financed an ASN waitressing, but doing the LPN first (10 month program) is how I got by!

I'm another student that wouldn't be able to do it without my partner. He pays the rent and most of our bills, and I chip in where I can with my student loans and odd babysitting jobs. My family helps as much as possible if an unexpected expense pops up.

We live very simply. We live in a 1 bed room apartment, share a car, have basic cellphones, coupon for groceries. We get by and I always take out bare minimum in loans so that our debts won't be unbearable once I graduate.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

I'm living on student loans but got a small scholarship which helps pay for books and tuition. I pay bills with the loans, and got food stamps and medicaid. I got 2 kids and married, so if I could do it so can you.

First thing you gotta do is get rid of the non-essentials.

A good start is to get rid of cable tv bill if you have not already. It will only be a distractor in nursing school anyways u won't have much time to watch tv. Next determine what bills can be slashed. A $100 cellphone can be downgraded to a pay as you go $30 plan. Just look for something that meets your needs. Get rid of the house phone or voip if you still have it. Just get magicjack plus which can now work without a computer. Next see what is hogging your money...e.g are you paying creditcards on time? if not you could be paying up to $40 in late fees. Just pay them early, its save in the long run. Next heating and cooling cost. If you got a water heater that runs all the time, Install a timer or have someone install it for you and have the water heater running only twice -three times per day. This will slash your electric bill and pay for itself the first month.

Apply for grants, scholarships anything that will help. Apply for food stamps and medicaid if you are eligible.

Finally, this will be tricky but determine how flexible your current employer will be and see if they are willing you work with your while you go to school. The thing is asking them will let them know you have other dreams and they may think you are not committed and might let you go. Other the other hand they may like your ambition and keep you. You will just have to feel them out on this, but wait until you actually get accepted into nursing school.

Many students in my class work fulltime, mainly in hospital settings that are flexible, but some also work regular shift jobs.A CNA job or shift job in a hospital would be ideal. During clinicals they cut their hours down to 1 or 2 days per week. Its tough but it can be done.

Specializes in ICU.

I am very fortunate that my ex made enough money while we were married that I can live with without having to work. I call it payment for putting up with his butt for 15 years. He made me quit school when we got married and in my state that makes me eligible for spousal support while I am in school. So basically he has to pay for my schooling and all of my expenses until I graduate. He has no problem with it because he knows it is going to benefit our son in the long run and I will be self sufficient in a few years. I know that I am the few lucky ones.

I start my BSN program in January. I recently quit my job of 8 years so that I can just go to school full time. We live in an apartment right now so I pay rent with my student loans and my boyfriend pays the other bills. We also have a 7 & a 9 year old. I'm nervous to continue to not work until I'm done, considering I just spent so much on stuff for nursing school, like FBI check, uniforms, professional clothes, shoes and ATI materials. It's do able, if you have help. I'm thankful my bf is supportive and allows me to not work.

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