I have concerns that the orientation period I am currently in is missing something vital to my success as an RN once off orientation.
I am a new graduate nurse and I started my first job as an RN (no prior experience other than my senior preceptorship at another hospital) 6 weeks ago on a medical/surgical unit. The first week and a half, of my 12 week orientation, was spent in a classroom environment that did not include simulation. I spent one shift observing a preceptor's shift during a hectic night, and the next shift I passed medication. From then on, I was given a full patient load (5-6 patients) and told to ask my preceptor if I have any question. My preceptor has since spent her nights with me checking that my documentation in computer is complete and fielding any questions I may have.
I anticipated a more gradual transition from student to novice nurse.
If you could share with me how your institution handles the orientation process of RNs to the unit, tips on how to navigate this period, share your perspective what an adequate orientation should include, I would be extremely grateful! Thank you!