Active Duty w/ kiddos


Specializes in ER/Critical Care.


I am considering going Active but have some reservations and wanted to pick some minds (i am not thinking until 1st of the year-ish but with realizing the paperwork takes a while was thinking about submitting for Board approval in OCT/NOV if I decide)..... for those who have kids, esp. those who are single youngest is 11, then there is the 12 year old who will be 13 in August and the 14 year old who will be 15 in August..... (ok... no snickering you guys..... I got another in August too and one in Sept).....anyway, what are the challenges you have faced, your kiddos have faced with moving about while on AD?

Will it be difficult to find housing, etc????

thanks in advance

Just editing, I saw in another thread you already joined, so you know this already.

Specializes in ER/Critical Care.

dream on your previous answer raises a few questions

what is the military doing in regards to double parent households when both parents are military

and are they enforcing what you stated "cant be a single parent having custody of the kiddos while in the military". i realize you have to have a "family" plan and had one in place before i even signed/ got sworn in. i am in present state exploring the possibility of going AD and know what the committment entails

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

I know of single parents having costody of the children but they have to have a family care plan for who will take care of the children if they are deployed. Just like with duel military parents who also have to have a family care plan.

Both of us were military. When they came out with the Family Care Plan stuff, we had to get one. Can be a real pain to get people to sign those papers. Single parents could not enlist. But people got around that requirement by signing custody of their kid(s) to someone else. Then after they were at their first duty station, they would take back custody. I know of one woman who colluded with her recruiter to do this and she was able to manipulate herself into base housing.

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

I am not a single parent but can see how it would be a pain to get someone to sign. It doesn't suprise me about people giving up custody then pulling it back

Specializes in ER/Critical Care.

with all respects to those before me.....I couldn't give up the rights to my kids permanently...... they're father barely sees them twice a month. Also, am finding working @ my present job more and more a decision I regret...... nurses/ doctors don't have mutual respect......focus of patient care is on the $$$...... etc..... focus is on appearance and not quality of work (hmmm... would that nurse be responsive in a stress situation??)

with the consideration of giving up $30k bonus for USAR, would you need to give up SLRP too if one went AD?????

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
with all respects to those before me.....I couldn't give up the rights to my kids permanently...... they're father barely sees them twice a month. Also, am finding working @ my present job more and more a decision I regret...... nurses/ doctors don't have mutual respect......focus of patient care is on the $$$...... etc..... focus is on appearance and not quality of work (hmmm... would that nurse be responsive in a stress situation??)

with the consideration of giving up $30k bonus for USAR, would you need to give up SLRP too if one went AD?????

For Active duty, I had to give up my incentives & slrp because I signed for the CRNA program. But below you can see that Active duty do have incentives/slrp--- if you go active too. I don't know if you are eligible for them being reserve first......check with a recruiter. Also, it can take 3 months to get a "368 conditional release from your reserve unit" through USARC ......

good luck,




Active Army Nurse Accession Bonus of $20,000 or $30,000 (up to $10,000 if combined with loan repayment program)

Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (ADHPLRP) provides up to $120,000 for the repayment of qualifying educational loans; participants can receive $40,000 per year for up to three years

Nurse anesthetists can receive Active Duty Special Pay of $15,000 to $40,000 annually, depending on the length of your agreement

Nurse anesthetists, family nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and nurse midwives are eligible for Board Certification Pay of $2,000 to $6,000 per year. This incentive is based on active duty experience in specialty.

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