Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

Specialties Government


Greetings! I am a RN with about 1 years medsurg experience looking to apply for FY 2017 to the Navy for direct accession. Anyone else out there working on their packet or that have already submitted it? Please feel free share your experiences thus far, desired duty stations and any valuable info. Thanks!

Any updates? I don't even know if my package went to the board in December, so I am really on pins and needles.

I haven't heard anything yet. My package went to the board in October if that makes you feel any better.

I'm figuring they didn't meet this past week due to New Years etc and they will meet and review packages the next two weeks and let us know around the 22nd week. I guess the timeline really depends on if they are going to let us know specialty by specialty as the board concludes for each or if they let people know once the whole nursing DA active board concludes.

Hello all, I'm also waiting on results from the board or if they even convened yet. My understanding is that they convene every month on the 15th for Nurse Corps applicants. It doesnt specify about the specialty unfortunately. I found that info on the NPC site while browsing. I applied for Perioperative Nurse. My package has been complete since October 17'. The only recent activity I received was a call from a Commander who was a Perioperative Specialty Leader 2 weeks ago. He basically interviewed me and told me the board should be meeting soon. He also said that the new budget wasnt out and that that could be the reason for delays.

When I originally applied, I was told that my package would go to the board in October (2016 ) and I would hear something shortly thereafter. The board didn't actually meet until a few months into 2017. I found out in March that I was an alternate and then in May a spot opened up. It will happen, just may take longer than anticipated!

I started this process in May 2016. I was originally denied because of my hx of headaches. They told me to try again May 2017. I was then granted a waiver and my process continued. I am so ready for an official word!

My package was submitted for review in the November board. My recruiter said I'd probably hear mid January but still haven't heard. I was really hoping to hear something by now. I knew the process was long but this wait is killing me!

Anyone heard anything about when we might hear?

I think we are all in the same boat. I think 98% of us were told mid January we would have results. It's a cruddy feeling, but it feels good to know we aren't alone..... except I just found out my package was never submitted. So I probably won't know anything until mid March.

My recruiter just told me that my package will be included in the February board. So results may come out in March.

Spoke to my recruiter yesterday. Got placed on the alternate list. She said I'll probably get off it in May so I'm excited!!! She told me that 35 people applied for only 11 med surg spots. So I'm just happy I wasn't a flat out no. I hope you guys hear good news soon!

Wow congrats Inhayes! You applied for active duty right? That's super exciting and I hope that the rest of us hear some good news soon too!

Ya I applied to active duty. I hope that I get called up sooner rather than later. I'm ready to leave my job! Haha

I hope you hear good news too! Did you apply to active duty as well?

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