Published Jan 30, 2010
232 Posts
I was desperate for a job so I applied at multiple places throughout the valley. I accepted both jobs! I acted to fast, realizing that I can't work six twelve hour shifts a week what should I do? I'm willing to work one full-time and the other one part time. What are my chances of them keeping me on part time instead of full-time?
38,333 Posts
I worked six 12 hour shifts for over a year. It can be done if you want to badly enough. But after some time you will get plenty tired of it. If I were you I would pick one of them and turn the other down, unless they allow you to go part time with it.
I agree, they are both night shift positions. What do you believe my chances are? Is it common for employers to allow new hires to change hours or shifts? I want part time instead, I don't want them to be upset with me either.
Cursed Irishman
471 Posts
Who cares if they're "mad" at you? This kind of thing occurs alot; be a professional and let them know. Just politely call them and tell them you accepted another position.
I care. This is my career, its new to me. I'm growimg with it. I no longer work for a fast food chain. I can't just walk off of my job. Nursing is a small community, someone who is a cna today may be a nurse supervisor tomorrow. You have to care about how you treat people on this profession, it could hurt u down the line.
I appreciate you taking the to respond to my post. The reason why I posted was to see how professionals would handle this situation. One poster said she did it and that it can be done. I think working five twelve hour night shifts per week is enough for me, but we all have different things that motivate us to do the things that we do.
49 Posts
In the past I have done horrible long hours and for many days. Now when I have to do 16 hours I about die. Take me a full day to recover and then I am still tired and cranky on day 2.
Know yourself. Can you do it for an extended period. Better to back out now, then fail because you were tired and wore out.
Good Luck and make the best decision for you:nurse:
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
Do not try to juggle 2 full time jobs -- particulary if you will be new at both of them. You won't be able to juggle your schedule to meet the requirements of both employers without having their cooperation -- and they are not going to want to coorperate that much.
Pick one. Politely turn the other one down. Thank them for their interest. Tell them that something has come up that requires you to decline their offer at this time. Do it soon. Don't wait until the last minute and make things more difficult for them. Treat them well to preserve a positive professional reputation.
251 Posts
If you think you can do it physically, I would begin both jobs. If you find you can do it, fine. If you find it is too much for you, stay full-time at the place you like best, and resign or ask to go to part-time at the other. Once you convince them you are worth keeping, they will probably work with you to keep you there. Training and orientation cost a company money. They are more likely to work with you on your schedule if you have already completed it, and you are an asset. Good luck. Let us know how your worked it out.
18 Posts
I think you could possibly experience some MAJOR burn out if you take both jobs- and do you honestly want burn out when you are starting a NEW profession that requires that you be alert and ready to act and think fast!?
If you feel you can handle it and dont have any other obligations in your life then at least try it but i'm thinking one of these jobs are going to suffer in the end if not both- and I would personally want to put all my effort into being the best that I could be at being a NURSE not at trying to fit more time into a cramped schedule.
I hope you do well in all you do and wish you nothing but positive outcomes!!