Published Jul 12, 2009
30 Posts
Hi all. I'm starting the preclinical phase of an ADN program this fall, and am strongly considering advanced practice nursing. A couple of the nurses I work with are in ACNP school, and it sounds like what I would consider pursuing (interested in either that or CRNA, definitely no FNP ). I've looked into various programs and am familiar in the settings ACNPs work in and the training, and now I'd like to hear from actual ACNPs
Where do you work (ICU, ER, etc)? What role do you play in that setting? How much autonomy do you have? Do you get to see patients from admission to discharge? What procedures do you do?
Any other information about your career as an ACNP would be helpful. Thanks!
107 Posts
Whats wrong with FNP????
nothing, just not for me. Not interested in primary care, or children/children's parents. The ER was enough of that for me, haha.
Corey Narry, MSN, RN, NP
8 Articles; 4,468 Posts
1. where do you work? 16-bed adult cardiothoracic surgery icu at a 900-bed urban tertiary medical center
2. what role do you play in the setting? as part of the icu np team, collaborates with intensivist and cardiothoracic surgeon in delivering care. day to day activities include daily rounds, h&p's or consults, post-op patient management including ordering of diagnostics and pharmacologic agents, vent management, daily progress notes, discharge orders and summaries and transfer orders.
3. how much autonomy do you have? as much as the bon allows.
4. do you get to see patients from admission to discharge? yes, but only during the icu admission and the icu discharge.
5. what procedures do you do? all kinds of central lines including temporary dialysis catheters and pa catheters, arterial lines, thoracentesis, thoracostomy tubes including casp, bronchoscopy for bal purpose (never for biopsies).
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
That is so cool Gilly - I can only hope that we someday progress to permitting NPs to do all those things in Aussie ICUs!
CardioTrans, BSN, RN
789 Posts
1. where do you work? 16-bed adult cardiothoracic surgery icu at a 900-bed urban tertiary medical center2. what role do you play in the setting? as part of the icu np team, collaborates with intensivist and cardiothoracic surgeon in delivering care. day to day activities include daily rounds, h&p's or consults, post-op patient management including ordering of diagnostics and pharmacologic agents, vent management, daily progress notes, discharge orders and summaries and transfer orders.3. how much autonomy do you have? as much as the bon allows.4. do you get to see patients from admission to discharge? yes, but only during the icu admission and the icu discharge.5. what procedures do you do? all kinds of central lines including temporary dialysis catheters and pa catheters, arterial lines, thoracentesis, thoracostomy tubes including casp, bronchoscopy for bal purpose (never for biopsies).
you're my hero!!!!!
I think the critical care provider role for ACNP's have pretty much developed over the years in many parts of the US. I have interacted with ACNP's with similar job responsibilities in a variety of ICU's ranging from MICU to Neuro ICU. However, I think majority are in academic or large medical centers. I know of similar CCNP roles at UPenn Hospital, UCSF Med Ctr, University of Florida Hospital, and Johns Hopkins. In our institution's case, the role was introduced via a physician advocate who believed that NP's are capable of managing ICU patients similar to a house officer or even an ICU fellow. It helped that this physician champion of sorts had a lot of pull politically in the entire health care institution we belong to. The NP's are a permanent fixture in the ICU and provides consistency in the care amidst residents and fellows who come and go as they receive their training. There are published data regarding the role of the ICU NP if you search it through Pubmed. As far as other countries are concerned, I think Canada has been in the process of introducing the the role as well (there is an ACNP program at Univ of Toronto).
269 Posts
Cinqly, BSN, RN
358 Posts
For your certification as an ACNP which licensing exam did you take?
ANCC's, but that was five years ago.