Published Mar 17, 2010
177 Posts
Officialy turned my application in today !! The nursing advisor said I'll receive an email within one week..but he predicts my start date to be spring 2011
1 Article; 501 Posts
I applied to 4 schools. I hope to hear some good news soon as well.
36 Posts
That's great news. I'm applying next spring for fall 2011.
38,333 Posts
Well, assuming that is true, congrats are in order! Good luck with school!
65 Posts
Lol! I am with caliotter3 on this one! Sounds too good to be true! Congrats if so!! Wish i could be so lucky to find out if i am in or not that fast....just sayin
4190079]Lol! I am with caliotter3 on this one! Sounds too good to be true! Congrats if so!! Wish i could be so lucky to find out if i am in or not that fast....just sayin
im sorry i forget how some of the other nursing programs work**
let me explain this to some of you so seem to think its "too good to be true" lol cuz it prob sounds like a load of bs that i would know as soon as i apply or how smooth and stress free this process is ...I am in Orlando FL and will be attending Valencia Community college. Their nursing program works a little differently then im sure what your use to . There is no "sorry we can accept you's" ...there is no 3.0 students with 85% teas scores being denied ...and this is how i think more nurisng schools should operate .
*at my school as long as you have taken all your pre-req's and passsed with a C or better, taken and passed the TEAS with atleast a 75%* and ur gpa is atleast a 2.5 you can apply and you are garenteed a seat . WHen you apply, as long as you have met the above criteria you are placed on a waiting list*due to the large number of students that apply.*they admit 320 students a year( some every semester) .**WHen i submitted my app, they were taking apps for SUMMER 2011 session , However when i sat down with my advisor he said it is possible i could* be admitted spring 2011 and that i would recieve an email within a week saying when i would get to start . Im excited, but HATE the year of waiting . Now some of you might think this process is a little to easy , well let me tell you, the people who arent cut out for nursing school are weeded out sometime between a&p2 and micorbio..these 2 classes are very instese. students who dont make it thought usualy dont bother to apply
So before you start giving out your sarcastic winks ...get ur facts straight...just saying *wink*
1st of all!!!! That was just rude! YOU need to give facts so I will have them to get them straight! JUST SAYIN!!! Sorry, I go to a NORMAL school where the competition is VERY COMPETITIVE and they dont just go around accepting everyone with a passing time, give more facts and you wont get these types of "too good to be true" reactions!
alright, your right. sorry . that was a bit ****** .
its not a matter or "normal" school though, vcc has one of the top nursing programs in the country .**and i tell you, i have met with a couple of pre nursing students and it sure as hell isnt just*"anybody" being admitted . After all, why would apply if you couldnt get through the pre-req's in one pieace. i guess i forgot the ardeous (teas test word ! haha) process some of you go through and dont reliaze everyone has it as smoothly as i do. I think the addmission process is perfect, it bothers me that so many school make nursing out of reach . i applied with a 80% teas score and a 3.5 GPA...i worked my ass off for that and it sucks that maybe theres someone eles like me out there that really wants to go to nursing school*, *but at the school where they are "their best isnt good enoug" . Not everyone is a 3.9999 overachiver with a 95% teas score- i am props to you if you are, thats an amazing thing to accomplish . But if your like me, and you try hard, nobody should be able to say "sorry, you worked you ass off for 2 years, and studied for 6 months to get a passing teas score ..but 3.5 isnt good enough"
305 Posts
thankss :]
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait to starrt =D
I agree 100%! I could only wish it were that way here. BUT....its not! I am a non tradiotional student who has 2 very small children, and I do have that 4.0, however, I did NOT score very high on the TEAS! It just sucks that I have actually worked my butt off to maintain my 4.0, and yet I have a very low TEAS...Hopefully I will get in. I wont know anything until the end of May. I mean...we go through all the tears and sweat just to get accepted. AND you would be VERY surprised to see some of the students in my pre-nursing seminar classes....some that ask the most ignorant of YES! there are those that think they are cut out to do this and yet have a clue of what actual nursing school is really about! Thanks for the apology! lol!!!:)