Accepted in Drexels ACE Program Spring 2009

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


I just got my letter Wednesday that I have been accepted :yeah:to 's ACE program for Spring 2009, I am excited:lol2:, scared:scrying:, nervous and anxious. I have been readying the boards everyday for a month before I joined, I have found so much useful information:bowingpur. If anyway has word of wisdom, encouragment, I welcome them with open arms.

Yeah, Blackboard probably won't be up until Saturday or Sunday, including courses for current students. You'll only have to print some first day info, nothing major. It's the same time frame every quarter.

The Skyscape is only good for the duration of the program, after that, you'll have to pay for the subscription yourself. You'll still have the books, just without the updates.

Everyone ready for Monday? :)

I'm so excited for you guys! I don't start until September, but I'll keep an eye out for any updates you post about the program. Good luck!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

Well, I bought a laser printer. And.. I'm so glad I did.. My bestest purchase!

haha! I've been printing out syllabus's and ppt's all day since class has been over. Now I guess I better start reading! Where to start??

I agree with Loner, I think my laser printer is the best purchase! I can't believe how much stuff there is to print.


Reading this thread has been really helpful. I was conditionally accepted to ace for fall '09.

Still trying to decide.

I'm sure you are all super busy, but if you care to share how the experience

has been so far, I'd really appreciate it!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

Congratulations sznd126!

So far it's been interesting. I'm in my 1st quarter. We just had our midterms week (a whole week with no classes, just scheduled midterms!). The schedule is 10 weeks of classes and a week for finals (midterms week is week 5). After this, we have a whole week break before the next quarter!

I don't work (recommended). I don't feel like I have a lot of "downtime" like I did when I was in school before. One thing that takes getting used to is the powerpoints. There are 1+ sets of powerpoints for pretty much every class (one class had 10 ppts the first day!!). So, just remembering to print those out (and doing it) can take some time.

I have 1-3 classes/day, and I'm in school about 8am-2 or 4pm mon-wed. Thursdays are "late" days, I have class at 1pm, and others start at 10am. We have at least an hour for "lunch", but one day "lunch" is from 9:20am till 11:30am when we have a 3 hour lab. I'm not hungry at 9am, and by 11, I've forgotten to eat. Fridays, it is either clinical (which starts at 7, mine is an hour from the city) or lab (which starts at 8). Out at about 2. Getting out of school from 2-4 is really new for me (since I used to work past 6pm normally).

Overall, the feeling I get with the program is _do_not_fall_behind_. Seriously, there are ONLY 9 weeks of classes. And there are 6 classes to keep up with. There are some classes that are test based, others that are more assignment based. There are some classses with assignments that are "pass/fail" (so you grumble as you do them knowing it won't affect your grade). There is a lot of work.. Seems like something is due all the time (or at least every week). If you are not familiar with word processors and the workings of the internet, I'd work on that before classes begin.

Professors vary from super energetic to the 'read from the powerpoint' types. All of my professors and lab instructors seem knowledgeable. Most are good at answering questions and putting a lot of knowledge into the program.

Overall, it's not easy. The average grade in one of the midterms was 83%. We need a 76 to pass (with a C). Granted, a quiz in another class had a 94 average. It is possible to get through this program (though, all A's may be a super challenge). There just isn't any room for falling behind. No getting sick. No deaths or breakups. No new dating. Heh. Just focus on the classes, and remember to study for the class - focus on "what am I supposed to be learning in this class". i.e. You aren't learning diseases in Assessment - you're learning how to asses/determine what's normal, and to recognize abnormal. I'm sure diseases will come later!

Wow, thank you! a lot of good info to let soak in. It sounds like you are going to do pretty well.

an hour drive for clinical? is it pretty easy to find carpoolers?

thanks again!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

I am going with someone this quarter (4 trips to the hospital). I live outside of the city, and i can't get to this site by public transportation by 7 am).

Definitely not a problem to find people to carpool with. Actually, out of 7 clinical sites, there's only been 1 that I've gone to by myself, and that was because it worked out better that way. It's nice to have people to ride with, especially for long drives early in the morning. We get some pretty good studying done that way too.

I'm halfway through my 3rd quarter, and I've really enjoyed the program so far. It's hard, and I'm exhausted and I do sometimes miss out on things to go to clinical or study group, but it's worth it. There are good days and bad days, but even when I complain, I'm never sorry I decided to do it.

Congrats on your acceptance, good luck with your decision!

Hi L&D Nurse to be and Loner;

Can I ask you guys what you ended up doing for your financial aid last yr ?( r guys are nearing the end of the program by now right?) My financial aid package for Fall 09 comes out to be the same as your numbers, 12500 from federal and the rest must be private. Did you guys end up choosing Sallie Mae? Combining different private loans, or using one source for private loans?

Thank you for clarifying,


Hi all,

I'll be starting ACE this fall. You are probably all super busy right now, but I noticed someone asking about

the Excelsior bioethics course. Did you get any answers on that?

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