Published Jul 21, 2005
1 Article; 110 Posts
I'm attending Barry University I want to know if you would recommend an accelerated program? May to May...12 months all you need to be is a transfer student done with the pre-reqs/liberal arts or have a bachelor degree...
I was accepted to the BSN program two yr option fall 2006... The accelerated program starts this winter 2006 ...what yall think?
11 Posts
Have anyone heard of IUON of St.Kitts? I was excepted but am hesitant because you spend 6mos there and transfer to a partner college in the USA to finish your RN degree and there is no waiting list.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
hello and welcome to the site. hope you enjoy your stay...will be looking forward to some posts. :)
Sarah Bellum
264 Posts
I will be doing an Accelerated BSN program that sounds similar to yours. Mine is 14 months long, June to August of the following year. I'm all for getting nursing school done and over with but i also know the trade off is that the program moves fast, very fast and I will have to sacrifice having anything resembling a life during that time. But once it's done, it's done and I'll be able to work as an RN (which is my dream) and be able to spend more time with my family again.
You may want to post this question in the graduate nurses forum, you'll probably find several nurses there who have actually been thru an accelerated program and can answer from their own experiences.
Good luck!
I'm attending Barry University I want to know if you would recommend an accelerated program? May to May...12 months all you need to be is a transfer student done with the pre-reqs/liberal arts or have a bachelor degree... was accepted to the BSN program two yr option fall 2006... The accelerated program starts this winter 2006 ...what yall think?
124 Posts
You should do a search on accelerated or second degree programs..there are several different threads on this. I too am in Fl, however I am not applying to anything down south...way too hot for me and cost of living is pretty expensive! I graduate from UF in Dec, but do not plan on applying for their program. My top choice right now is USF. There are a lot of other schools besides Barry in FL with this program...
1,350 Posts
I'm in an Accelerated BSN program which started in June of this year. I like it because I can see the end, but the pace is very, very fast. I have to keep reminding myself that it won't be this way forever, and I will be working in a year as opposed to two years down the road. If you decide to go this route make sure you've got a good support system for yourself and that your significant others know that you will be super busy and you will need their understanding and patience for the year to come. A few people in my group are having major issues with family members being really upset by the fact they don't get to spend as much time with their loved one as they would like to. It's hard work, but I think it's worth it.
390 Posts
hey........its nathalie. ive been trying to reach you through aol but you havent been one. i remembered that its not in january that i have to have all those classes done....i have to have them finished by may. so you may still have a chance to do the accelerated at the same time as me. send me an IM when you get a chance