Published Feb 20, 2006
955 Posts
I work at a long term care facility, and last week one of our CNAs attempted to call in citing flu-like symptoms and a son with confirmed flu. She was told we were too short staffed and she must come in. She came to work, and now out of 26 residents she took care of, FIFTEEN have the *%*$#*#$* flu!!! These are elderly, fragile people who are now all sick and being treated for flu.
WHY WAS THIS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN?!?! I understand the problem with staffing, and I know that we need people to be here, but it is a gigantic risk to our residents if someone with a contagious disease is allowed to care for them! I'm so cheesed off about this. I feel like we needlessly put our residents in danger. Anyone else face this situation?
601 Posts
I know how you feel. It's such an obviously stupid thing to do to make sick people come to work just so they can infect others. I am in school and our official policy says that you can't go to clincals if you are sick, but in reality, if you don't show up there are many consequences. I can't understand the thinking (or lack thereof).
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Wow...I understand your rage. Since I'm still a student, this sort of situation hasn't happened to me but it does happen during our clinical rotations at school. We're allowed a certain number of sick days but heaven forbid you are sick and actually use them! We just got a new Director and she specifically stated that she was changing the sick leave policy. You had better show up on clinical no matter what---unless you are on your deathbed. If you have an infectious disease, feeling like crap and worry about spreading it to the patients--that's OK. Just show up.
I understand not abusing the sick leave policy and no one does but when you're sick, you're sick. I don't get it.
280 Posts
I work at a long term care facility, and last week one of our CNAs attempted to call in citing flu-like symptoms and a son with confirmed flu. She was told we were too short staffed and she must come in. She came to work, and now out of 26 residents she took care of, FIFTEEN have the *%*$#*#$* flu!!! These are elderly, fragile people who are now all sick and being treated for flu. WHY WAS THIS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN?!?! I understand the problem with staffing, and I know that we need people to be here, but it is a gigantic risk to our residents if someone with a contagious disease is allowed to care for them! I'm so cheesed off about this. I feel like we needlessly put our residents in danger. Anyone else face this situation?
I understand your frustration as i have worked in similar situations. You asked why... To show on paper that they have proper staffing. Bottom line thier numbers have to look good so that acreditation and licensing continue. I was bullied more than once to come in sick... It makes no sense but that's how it is and will be. I loved LTC but left because of the frustation of poor staffing and constantly battling with other nurses who wanted to back bite and fuel the between shift fueds that go on and on. A person can only take so much before they burn out.
Hang in there we need good LTC nurses. I would go back but my old tired body won't let me. I now work telephone triage and have found a new niche.
It will never make sense, but do your best for your residents and they will notice.
Exactly... the thing is, now staff members are catching it from our newly sick residents, so in the end the staffing will suffer as well. I just don't get it. I'm in administration myself, and I can see maybe begging someone to come in anyway if they have something noncontagious like a headache or backache, but FLU???? These residents are not strong people, and this may just kill one of them. And for what? Because our personnel director didn't want to have to bother with calling our PRN CNAs to try to cover an absence and by doing so risked everyone?
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
Please encourage the CNA to contact your local health department, the BON, and the agency which licenses nursing homes. Until administrators are held to task for threatening conscientious workers and endangering frail residents, NOTHING will change. A call to a local reporter would be helpful too.
P.S. Lori---bless you for taking care of the dears in LTC.
273 Posts
I actually work with a manager that tells staff to come in because they are short staffing us. When I am the one on call I refuse to tell a staff member that they can not call off. Makes me unpopular with this other manager but Oh Well ! I also take care of the Infection Control and will not risk the residents and other staff members health. Yes I have had call offs claiming illness only to find out they were at a party but how can we live with ourselves if that employee was truly ill.
1,553 Posts
Thank you so much... actually I cannot see myself anywhere else. I love my residents, and I feel very protective of them (as I do with my staff) and this sort of thing just chafes my backside.
That is so sad. These residents are people! Sure, we can survive the flu w/o any problems, but it will likely kill some of the residents. They have weakened immune systems from multiple illnesses and advanced age. They will get sick, suffer, and die! They are people! :angryfire Not to mention someone's mom, dad, or grandparent. I wish administration had just a little piece of a heart...
This is exactly what I mean... the problem is that it is easier for our scheduling coordinator to say "We're at minimum so you cannot call out" than it is for her to call the CNAs who are off that day or who work PRN and try to find someone to come in. I take callouts all the time, and I never push the issue if someone has nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, flulike symptoms, or even a cold. These residents deserve SO much better than that.
Dalzac, LPN, LVN, RN
697 Posts
I have been off for the last week and a half with the flu. I already know I am in big trouble with calling in and I have heard I am going to be suspended for 3 day w/o pay. I even have a note for work when I go in but do you think that will help me it won't not one tiny bit