ABG acid base imbalances..help


My nclex date is approaching in a couple of weeks. Im having a diffcult time understanding this topic. When I practice questions I see alot of these type of questions.for ex if ph is below and paCO2 is above.Could someone help me.

NOTE DT WHEN PH IS BELOW 7.35 , IT IS ACIDOSIS AND WHEN ABOVE 7.45 THAT MEANS ALKALOSIS . RESPIRATORY SIGN IS PCO2 (35-45 ) AND METABOLIC SIGN IS Hco3 (22-27 ) so , to know what u are looking for ;look at PH level , respiratory level and metabolic level . if it is respiratory d level of both (resp and metab ) will be opposite of each other ( like one higher and other within normal level ) but if it is metabolic , both (resp and metab level) will be going the same direction ( like both being alkaline or acidic ) . hope this will help u.. Good luck , we will all make it !!!

Specializes in Triage, Trauma, Ambulatory Care.

Here is a link to a site that I used to practice. It has an interactive quiz with tons of examples. It gives rationales after you answer. It was super helpful to me and my classmates. ABG Interpretation Quiz

ABG Interpretations

Always Remember:

**"ROME"R espiratory

O pposite

M etabolic

E qual


pH= 7.35-7.45

HCO3= 22-26 (some books it's up to 27)

PCO2= 35-45



below 7.35= acidosis

above 7.45= alkalosis



abnormal HCO3= METABOLIC

with this step.. you must apply the ROME rule..


respiratory acidosis= below normal pH + above normal PCO2

respiratory alkalosis= above normal pH + below normal PCO2

*note that the direction of the values of pH and PCO2 are at the 'opposite' direction


metabolic acidosis= below normal pH + below normal HCO3

metabolic alkalosis= above normal pH + above normal HCO3

*note that the direction of the values of pH and HCO3 are at 'equal' or same direction

ABG interpretation would be very easy.. you'll go better if you keep on practicing..

and it won't end on the mere interpretation on this values.. as a nurse.. i suggest you must also know the appropriate interventions for these acid and base imbalances.


Thanx soooooo much everyone. I really thank you for taking out the time to help me.

Specializes in Ambulatory care.


pH 7.45

PaCO2 >45 35-45

HCO3- 26


1 Memorize normal lab vaules

2 Check pH is it acidic or alkaline?

3 Look at the PaCO2 and HCO3 .. whats out of normal

4. Look at patient's diagnosis, patient live assessment .. how is he behaving rerelation to his abnormal labs.

Causes of acid-base imbalance

Metabolica Acidosis: Diabetic Ketoacidosis, diarreha, renal failure, shock, salicylate overdose, sepsis. Body has less buffer base the bicarb then normal or keeps too much acid.

Metaboic Alkalosis: Loss of gi secretions, overuse antacids, potassium wasting diuretics. Body has body has deficit of carbonic acid and decrease in H+ concentration without loss in amount o fthe base of HCo3.

Repiritatory Acidosis: hypoventilation r/t drug overdose, chest trauma, pulmonary edema, airway obtruction, COPD, neurmuscular diesase. Body has less buffer than mnormal with higher amount of H+ ions.

Respiratory Alkalosis: Hypervention r/t anxity, hyigh altitude, pregnancy, fever, hypoxia, excess tital volume in ventilator patients, intitail stage of pulmonary embolis. Body has deficit of carbonic acid and decrase H+ ion

COMPENSATED acidosis or alkalosis is when the pH is normal but either the HCO3 or the PaCO2 is out of whack.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

from vicki assistant administrator at an

i've attached a "tic-tac-toe" type handout i made for my students when i teach abg's. hope this helps :) paperclip.png attached files

Thannnxxx so much.Really.im feeling more confident about this test thanks to all of you.God def blessed me with this site/all of you.MUAH

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