A Violation of Hipaa?

Nurses General Nursing



I am currently in a nursing skills class where I had mentioned where I worked (a nursing home), and another student said she had CNA clinical there. She was talking to me about how she didn't like how the residents were treated and also mentioned a resident's name and asked if I was working when that person was living there. I didn't know how to respond. Am I allowed to acknowledge a person's name or should I flat out say I cannot discuss that. Can I get in trouble for even being a part of this conversation? She also mentioned that she found out this particular woman was a distant relative of hers. How do we handle situations like that? I am basically wondering if a family member says, "Oh, you work at this nursing home, did you know my aunt Lorraine?" what is the best response. Is it ok to say "Yes, I know her, she was a wonderful woman." Can I discuss that resident while leaving out medical information, or is acknowledging that they were in a nursing home a violation in itself?

Thanks in advance,


Specializes in Critical Care.

I am currently in a nursing skills class where I had mentioned where I worked (a nursing home), and another student said she had CNA clinical there. She was talking to me about how she didn't like how the residents were treated and also mentioned a resident's name and asked if I was working when that person was living there. I didn't know how to respond. Am I allowed to acknowledge a person's name or should I flat out say I cannot discuss that. Can I get in trouble for even being a part of this conversation? She also mentioned that she found out this particular woman was a distant relative of hers. How do we handle situations like that? I am basically wondering if a family member says, "Oh, you work at this nursing home, did you know my aunt Lorraine?" what is the best response. Is it ok to say "Yes, I know her, she was a wonderful woman." Can I discuss that resident while leaving out medical information, or is acknowledging that they were in a nursing home a violation in itself?

Thanks in advance,


Acknowledging that a person is a patient at your facility is not a HIPAA violation. Unless the patient has requested "Do Not Announce" status, or DNA status is assumed unless changed by the patient for situations such as drug OD's, HIPAA specifically allows for facilities to confirm that someone is a patient, their location, and their general condition as long as none of these disclose specific information about their medical condition. As far as discussing that patient, HIPAA doesn't preclude you from discussing things that do not disclose medical or privileged personal information about the patient.

I had a similar situation semester. There was a resident at the LTC facility whose family are family friends of mine. I already knew before I went there that she was in that facility. I got assigned to her unit and during the HIPAA training/review I told the clinical instructors that the family had already previously told me she was there. I asked them, "if the family asks if I've seen her, am I allowed to say that I have?" They said it's best not to even say that, and then didn't assign her to me as a patient so I didn't have to be in that "weird" place if the family asked.

Idiots are blowing hippa out of proportion

Specializes in Trauma ICU, Peds ICU.
Idiots are blowing hippa out of proportion

Ah, there it is, "HIPPA." It was only a matter of time. :lol2:

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Idiots are blowing hippa out of proportion

HIPAA NOT HIPPA.......The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


I don't know why it drives me ccrazy.....but it does......:uhoh3:

HIPAA NOT HIPPA.......The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


I don't know why it drives me ccrazy.....but it does......:uhoh3:

HIPPA, HIPPO, HIIPA, HHIPA.take a xanax or lorazepam and calm your nerves

Specializes in ICU & ED.

COBRAS & HIPPAS & BEARS! Oh My! I went to a security meeting and the corporate compliance dude spelled HIPAA wrong on his powerpoint... Our CMIO and CNE almost stroked out! It was the best meeting I'd ever been to!

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