My best friend went to a facility today for the first time for an annual gynecological exam. She currently has one of those partially state funded health insurance plans as she was laid off a few months ago and was eligible for this program as she has children (single mom) and is living on unemployment. It was a very large clinic type setting and she only went there as she was advised by her gyn's office that her current gyn worked at this facility a few times per month. So, today while at the clinic she was waiting in the exam room and overheard several nurses (nursing station was outside her exam room) poking fun at her type of insurance. Stating "xyz insurance is the everything insurance" , "I bet you can buy food or a manicure with this insurance", "yes, I bet you can even pay your rent or take your kids to McDonalds with this insurance" on and on and on... then they :lol2: This went on for about ten minutes with several more derogatory remarks. Just as she was starting to dress and LEAVE this place, as she was so embarrassed, the CNM came in to do her exam. The CNM stated that she would be doing her exam as the dr had to rush out to an emergency. Which was a lie as my friend heard him in the hallway only seconds beforehand stating something about "not doing first time gyn appts". So, she had her exam, reluctantly, and the CNM was very nice to her. But she is SO upset right now and does not want to make a big stink about this but yet feels that the nurses outside her room were out of line and cruel. Do you think she should call the facility and ask to speak to the supervisor or DON?