A New Consideration for Vaccine Mandates?


Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.

Could vaccine mandates be racist? I had a thought that if voter id is "racist then how are vaccine mandates not? If you have to show your vaccine passport with photo id, then wouldn't that disadvantage those who apparently cannot get ID to vote? How will they attended services and recreation without it? 

Will this put businesses at risk because what if someone doesn't have photo ID and their vaccine passport? Could this lead to discrimination claims on businesses? 

BLM has spoken out about an incident in New York already. Claiming that vaccine passports are already discriminating against black Americans for various reasons. 

Please submit opinions even if they differ from someone else.Even better!! 

If you feel the need to insult people on how they vote, who their political party is, media they watch  or call people inflated names like Nazi and supremacists please do not contribute. This is a respectful discussion Thank you. 


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Health disparity aside...the vaccine mandates are a response to a pandemic that killed lots and lots of people of color.  Vaccination is the way out of the pandemic.   The vaccine mandates don't make it impossible for people to participate in voting or even more difficult to engage in constitutional rights.  

Vaccination status is not a protected group. People can choose to leave the category of unvaccinated at any time and join the vaccinated group. 


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I had to Google what you are talking about with the BLM in NYC as I've been working for a couple of days.  


My opinion is that I don't think they were deliberately trying to be racist and that I agree with TMB above that the mandates in NYC are meant to be protective.  

That being said, with African Americans being behind their white counterparts they will be disproportionately affected by mandates and passports.  (What is interesting is that Asians are the most highly vaccinated race).


Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.

I do not think the restaurant was being racist either. However vaccine passport need to be accompanied with photo ID. So does that not affect people who cannot get ID? For voting or otherwise? 

How can voter id be racist when vaccine passports are not? 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
11 minutes ago, Cclm said:


How can voter id be racist when vaccine passports are not? 

They both can be racist if used with racist intention. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.
44 minutes ago, Cclm said:

I do not think the restaurant was being racist either. However vaccine passport need to be accompanied with photo ID. So does that not affect people who cannot get ID? For voting or otherwise? 

How can voter id be racist when vaccine passports are not? 

Good point.  I get it.

I still kind of agree with TMB in that the intent is not racist.  New York has nothing to gain by suppressing minorities from spending their money.

There is a study that shows strict voter ID laws have affected minority turnout, so to it can be argued that the intent of even stricter laws have a racist intent as certain republican run states would benefit from minority voter suppression.


All that said, since I've had to present a photo idea my entire voting life, it's a nonissue with me that it's required here in Florida.

Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.
22 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

They both can be racist if used with racist intention. 

Do if something discriminates against someone, it's okay as long as was intended? 

21 hours ago, Tweety said:

Good point.  I get it.

I still kind of agree with TMB in that the intent is not racist.  New York has nothing to gain by suppressing minorities from spending their money.

There is a study that shows strict voter ID laws have affected minority turnout, so to it can be argued that the intent of even stricter laws have a racist intent as certain republican run states would benefit from minority voter suppression.


All that said, since I've had to present a photo idea my entire voting life, it's a nonissue with me that it's required here in Florida.

You've been conditioned to believe that is racist.  It's not a racist. it's political.

The other side of the coin is that lax voter ID laws benefit Democrats.  That's their political motive.


Specializes in Med-Surg.
50 minutes ago, Beerman said:

You've been conditioned to believe that is racist.  It's not a racist. it's political.

The other side of the coin is that lax voter ID laws benefit Democrats.  That's their political motive.


I'd like to say I've looked at the issue and made up my own mind rather than be conditioned to what to believe.   But maybe I'm fooling myself.

I'll quote what I said above:   " it can be argued that the intent of even stricter laws have a racist intent as certain republican run states would benefit from minority voter suppression."  Which means I'm looking at the accusations of racism, not that I think it's racist.

Don't all states have voter ID laws as to what is acceptable to identify yourself?  I've always had to present my picture ID when voting.  I don't pay attention much but I don't think I've never not seen anyone not present an ID.   But I also think that the same documents that you must present to get a picture ID should be acceptable to the voting centers.   I also believe that mail in ballots are not fraudulent until proven to be.  

Do people commit voter fraud?  Yes they do.  It's always been an issue as long as I can remember.  Why in 2020 it suddenly became so widespread and issue is just rhetoric and uncalled for.  Again, like I've said several times, Republicans hearts are not in the right place in suddenly being concerned about voter fraud on such a wide scale basis.

However, your last sentence is a good point.  Touche on that.  

But that does digress from the question, are vaccine passports racist?

33 minutes ago, Tweety said:

it can be argued that the intent of even stricter laws have a racist intent as certain republican run states would benefit from minority voter suppression.

Imo, a racist intent would mean that they don't want minorities to vote because they believe minorities are inferior.

That's different then they don't want minorities to vote because minorities tend to vote for Democrats.

I'm sure if strict voter ID laws meant older wealthier white men would be less likely to vote, Democrats would be all for it because it would benefit them.


Specializes in Med-Surg.
22 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Imo, a racist intent would mean that they don't want minorities to vote because they believe minorities are inferior.

That's different then they don't want minorities to vote because minorities tend to vote for Democrats.

I'm sure if strict voter ID laws meant older wealthier white men would be less likely to vote, Democrats would be all for it because it would benefit them.


I can see what you're saying.  I'm not 100% comfortable with that idea though.

You're last point is falling on my deaf ears because I tend not to discuss make believe scenarios.   You're trying to justify that republicans are doing this because democrats would be doing it too in a make believe world.  

But yes, Democrats make decisions all the time based on getting votes and trapping power.  I get that.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
10 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Imo, a racist intent would mean that they don't want minorities to vote because they believe minorities are inferior.

That's different then they don't want minorities to vote because minorities tend to vote for Democrats.

I'm sure if strict voter ID laws meant older wealthier white men would be less likely to vote, Democrats would be all for it because it would benefit them.


Assuming inferiority of the racial minority is racist white supremacy. Not wanting a minority group or a racial or ethnic group to exercise the constitutional right to vote and taking steps to legislate to that end is racist.  

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