Published Aug 11, 2013
1 Post
Hi everyone,
I have been accepted into nursing school and I am tackling A&P along with my nursing classes and have heard horror stories. Any tips for A&P?
Caribbean Character
222 Posts
I took A&P 120 and A&P 130 as summer courses, which means that I took both classes in the amount of time they give you for one class in a normal semester and I earned an A in both, so it can be mastered. I am assuming that you took BIO 114 (or something similar) as a prereq for A&P. If so, A&P is pretty much the same material just much more detailed.
137 Posts
Read and make notecards! Study everyday and if you don't understand something ask questions or look online (google helped me a lot).
I received A's in both A&P classes
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
At the same time? A & P I was a pre req for me, and I could have taken A & P II during my nursing courses but I got it out of the way ahead of time and I am glad I did. Some of the girls in my A & P II class who were also in the nursing program at the time were REALLY stressed. I wouldn't want to do it! Obviously it's been done many times before, so it's doable, but certainly not something I would want to try. If you are a strong science student you will be fine. Good luck to you! :)
queserasera, RN
1 Article; 718 Posts
No, it's just a lot of information to keep straight and conceptually understand. My instructors for A&P included a Dr. of Physiology and a Medical Doctor, so both put heavy emphasis on physiology and clinical critical thinking. It was helpful in the long run but I'll reiterate that it was a lot on information!
umbdude, MSN, APRN
1,228 Posts
A&P itself isn't bad, but combined with a nursing course you will have your hands very full.
I used those "Label the picture" exercises in the lab book to help memorize anatomical parts. I read a lot on physiology both in and out of the textbook and used YouTube for better understanding. Finally, I continuously question myself when I have free time (shower, driving, subway etc.) on physiology (e.g. explain how the countercurrent multiplier works in nephrons, or trace the GI tract & functions) and I would either reheorifice out loud or whisper quietly. Basically, rather than just "reading" and "studying", I test myself as soon as I'm done with a section & chapter so that I'm not just passively receiving info but engaging it head on. Also, go back and look at the bigger picture (section headings) so you are not lost. Because of this, I had to spend only a little time reviewing for exams and my A&P 1&2 averages were 97% and 104%.
258 Posts
There is a lot of memorization... Just put aside the study time and you will be fine. I did mine online, had a lot of obstacles that semester, but I still got an "A".
75 Posts
Nah! Not for me! It was really an awesome class. Dissections were hard for me to do but that's about it. Just study, a lot. Maybe flash cards. They make coloring books too. Those might help. I've heard of people using YouTube.
120 was the first 8 weeks of summer and 130 the last 7 weeks. my last class (and Final) for 130 is a week from Wednesday.
19 Posts
STUDY EVERY SINGLE DAY! Even if you are just looking something over for an hour or re-reading a chapter, do it. It is a lot of information and mainly memorization. You will get out what you put into it. Also, speak up if you are having issues. Talk to the professor and tell him/her what issues you are having. Do it early in the semester, most professors will help you as much as they can. Record lectures if possible and listen to them when you are doing dishes or washing clothes. It will really help. Good luck!
62 Posts
Oh wow! They were both mandatory prereq classes for me. I could not imagine having to take either of them along side with nursing classes.