A&P 1 lecture or lab? Whats harder?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am currently taking A&P 1 and am curious about what section is harder. They both seem somewhat easy right now but I'm only like 2 weeks into it. And with my schedule I need to know which section I need to study more of. Any input will help. Thank you.

Hi Tiffany1579, I personally believe it depends on your methods of learning. I took A&P 1 and 2 twice (in different states before I entered my nursing program) I am a visual learner, so for me lab came a lot quicker to grasp. With that said, I was able to study at home for lecture making notes and colorful flashcards, yet spent extra time at school to study for lab.

I know it can be a challenge juggling study time on top of other obligations you may have going on! The best advice I can give is to study a little every day, even if the stuff seems pretty easy right now you will be grateful you reviewed when the material starts to pick up. This minimizes those huge cram sessions that can take all day and night, and really aren't as effective. For lab I suggest taking pictures (if allowed) and turning them into flashcards, or cutting diagrams out of an older version of the same textbook and turning those into a study sheet or flashcards as well. Commit a little time each day to each class, try not to overwhelm yourself! I hope this is somewhat helpful - and good luck!

See for me lecture was easier. But I retain information really easily and understanding function was very interesting me. For lab for A&P 1 we had histology/tissues/cells and bones. For the histology it took a while to click because the we reviewed the chapter on histology 3-4 weeks in to lab and things truly clicked for me only 2 weeks before or lab midterm. Bones was straight memorization. I hated it. I ended up with an A though (no A+ in my school)

I found lecture easier for certain body systems. I found cells/tissues/histology easier in lecture than in lab. The slides in lab all sort of looked the same to me. Other systems I found lab easier..for example bones, muscles was easy for me. To see and touch the bone/muscle models made it easier for me to remember the different parts of it.

I think it all depends on the person.

Personally, I found lab to be tiring and boring... But that might be just because my professor was clueless.

Personally, I found lab to be tiring and boring... But that might be just because my professor was clueless.

I found A&P II to be tiring and boring as my professor was clueless as well. She had no idea how to draw us in and make it interesting. She did nothing but read from the lab manual.

Now, A&P I was the BEST ever. My teacher made everything make sense and seem so easy. He went out of his way to explain/show things so that every single person understood it. He gave mnemonics for remembering different things, he gave us 'tricks' to remember things. He had a great sense of humor and it was very apparent he loved to teach and knew his stuff inside and out.

often, the professor makes or breaks the lab experience.

"often, the professor makes or breaks the lab experience."

Or any other class for that matter...

I loved A&P 1 and 2. The lecture material is very important, as small details could one day come in handy. But I would focus more on what you learn in lab, not only will it be on the test, but it is what is most applicable to medecine if you are a pre-nursing student.

Lab was way easier for me. I'm not strictly a visual learner, but it helped things click when I could see them. Lab was more fun too, and the practical exams were easier.

I had physio and anatomy separated as different courses. The labs were pretty interesting and profs do point out what is important to note and etc. Overall as a entire course I thought physio was the more challenging of the two. Pay attention in lab.

I loved a&p lab! Lecture not so much...

I loved A and P 1 lecture better than lab, it may have been my professors though. My lecture professor explained everything and made everything simple for us to understand. My lab professor was a stickler, if you didn't write something exactly the way she wanted it written, it would be wrong.

I also found learning about the body in lecture more enjoyable, as apposed to just memorizing where things were located in lab.

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