Published Oct 11, 2005
15 Posts
I am a single mom of two (husband is working out of state this year). I am thinking of taking A&P I and Developmental Psyc in the spring. I have been working on pre reqs one at a time and have an A in Nutrition, A in Gen Psyc. All the non science stuff I have from before.
I feel like I have gotten the hang of working, kids and studying but is A & P I so much of a study load that I should just take it on it's own? Any thoughts or advice appreciated.
144 Posts
I am also a single mom with one daughter and I work full-time. I am taking A&P I this semester and Gen Psy online. Maybe that is an option for you. I find it easier for me to do my non science pre-req's online, since I do not have to devote class time to the online program. Online is not for everyone, but that may be an option for you. Check with your local community college.
How much time do you devote to A & P I outside of class?
I am studying for both classes everyday. At least one hour for both classes, more or less, depending on what assignments or tests are coming up. But the benefit is I only have to be in school two days a week, not three or four, which gives me more time at home. I may not get as much sleep as I am used to but I find it better for my schedule. It also does not shock my daughter into Mommy not being home much since I do work two jobs. It is tough but if you are determined to complete your education, and have a good support system, you will find a way.
116 Posts
How is your chemistry and biology? If those are recent, you should be OK. Also, it depends on your A & P prof. as this class can be a tough one. I personally spend about 15 to 18 hours a week on A & P 1 alone.
Newbie Nurse SMP
110 Posts
I am not a mom, but I am taking A&P 1 now by itself. I don't know where you are going to college, but i am attending a Community College and I hear that it is very competitive to get into the Nursing Program.
I decided to take A&P 1 alone because it is a huge workload and I wanted my grade to be excellent.
I am already a college graduate (i have decided to go back to school for Nursing). When I was a freshaman, I took A&P 1 with a whole other workload of classes and wound up getting a D.
It sounds like you are an intelligent student with all your other grades, so you have to do what you will be comfortable with.
Where are you going to school? I am taking A&P I at Bergen right now.
335 Posts
It should be doable for you. Concentrate most on A&P - it will take up a huge portion of your time, because most schools count A&P as one of the "weeder" classes, whereas D. Psych is just a requirement. Since you've already had Gen Psych, you should find D. Psych fairly easy - at least I did. A lot of the concepts and theories carry over well, and if you remember what you learned in Gen Psych, you should be fine! There's a lot of concentration on Erikson, or at least there was in my course. Think of it as an added bonus that you're a mom - the concepts of development in childhood should be a piece of cake, since you can observe your own children, and know how the minds of children work! I agree with the online courses - for people with very little time, they can be good because you don't have to spend a certain time period in classes, and can do your coursework on your own schedual. For D. Psych, you shouldn't have too much trouble mastering the material, so online might be a good option. Whatever you decide, best of luck to you! Sounds like you're a dedicated student, I'm sure you can handle this if that's what you decide!
72 Posts
I'm taking both right now. AP on monday and wednesday nights and dev psych online. Dev psych actually takes up more of my time than AP. I have A's in both right now, work full time, have a live in step son, and am doing an extensive remodel. Honey, if I can do it, ANYONE can!!
Hi Olivia!
I am also at Bergen Community! How exciting lol!
I am in class on Wednesdays & Fridays with Dr. Hershman. When do you take class?
Talk to you soon
2,327 Posts
I am a single mom of two (husband is working out of state this year). I am thinking of taking A&P I and Developmental Psyc in the spring. I have been working on pre reqs one at a time and have an A in Nutrition, A in Gen Psyc. All the non science stuff I have from before.I feel like I have gotten the hang of working, kids and studying but is A & P I so much of a study load that I should just take it on it's own? Any thoughts or advice appreciated.Thanks.
No other class has ever taken more study time than A&P and I have 60+ credit hours under my belt.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Anything is doable if you apply yourself and are dedicated. Good luck to you in whatever you do.