Just wanted to start a "club" for those of us who are taking A&P 1 this fall.
My class is 16 weeks. I have lecture on M/W/F for one hour each day and lab on Tues for 3 hrs.
My teacher for lecture & lab (same person) is awesome! She gives us a weekly quiz, drops the lowest one. Gives us extra credit. Four major tests. Final is comprehensive. (Ick)
She gave us handouts for chapter 1 and we just fill in what we want as she pretty much has everything she wants in these handouts. She told us we don't have to bring our big, heavy book to class - she'd tell us page numbers of tables, pictures she wanted us to know. As a matter of fact - she said we don't have to use the book that was sold to us for this semester. She said we could use any book like Saladin, etc., and make copies if any diagram, table is different. Pretty nice there.
Okie dokie - who else?