Published Nov 26, 2013
91 Posts
Hey everyone! Tomorrow I have my third A&P lecture exam! It covers the entire nervous system, the CNS, PNS, and ANS. 5 chapters and 63 questions! So excited and nervous! I also have a quiz tomorrow in lab on the PNS (which should be a nice review before the exam). :)
By the way, how are you all doing in A&P? It's hard to believe that this semester is almost over! I've really been enjoying it. Good luck to everyone on your upcoming exams, and have a great Thanksgiving break!
Idiosyncratic, BSN, RN
712 Posts
GOOD LUCK!!!! Tell me how it goes, haha.
I'm barely hanging onto a 90 in AP. Unfortunately, me and cat muscles did not go too well(got an 88 on the bones but a 74 on muscles - would have been 95 if cat wasn't involved). I also made the mistake of getting meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 mixed up, which gave me a 77 on one of my exams. So I have a 92, 77, and 86. Not terrible. Not good. I bought a brain model so that I could do better on the last practical. Ours is going to be on the human brain models, cranial/spinal/etc nerves, 8 cat nerves, and the sheep brain. I am terrified.
Sorry for the babble!
Thank you so much! :)
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you will do really well on your next exam! The brain models really help, especially if you can study the functions/locations while you look at them. There are also some good YouTube videos out there to help learn the cranial/spinal nerves, and there might be some for the cat nerves and sheep brain also. Good luck! You can do it!
21 Posts
I took my 5th exam yesterday. It was on the Nervous System and I have been waiting all morning for my instructor to post my grade. My overall grade is a high B so far but since I work a full-time job with three kids I can't study as much as I would like. Good luck to you!
Thanks! My exam went really well! My instructor just posted our grades, and I got an A! I'm very relieved, and now I can relax and enjoy my Thanksgiving break!
443 Posts
Thanks! My exam went really well! My instructor just posted our grades and I got an A! I'm very relieved, and now I can relax and enjoy my Thanksgiving break! [/quote']Yay!Sent from my iPhone using
Sent from my iPhone using
610 Posts
I'm doing really well in A&P lecture and lab. I believe I have a mid-ranged A in both sections of the class. In lecture, 100's on all homework assignments and for tests I have 88, 94, 94, 94 (crazy right?)--last test is the final which I've already started studying for so I'm pretty confident about that. As far as lab goes, 100 on all cadaver labs and 92 on practical. One last practical on the Monday we return to school (yikes!)
My Thanksgiving break is filled with studying -_- But I'll be ok. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone & good luck on all of your final exams!
30 Posts
I just did my 3rd exam like two weeks ago which covered nervous system, muscular system, and muscular tissue! Finals are on the 7th, so excited to be done! I took ap 2 last semester and ap 1 this semester so i could be done by the time i apply
You don't have to take them in order? At my college, A&P 1 is a prereq for A&P 2. I'm so excited to be done too! The only tests I have left are a lab final and lecture final (which covers everything from the beginning of the semester). So excited!
Yes it is a requirement, but they gave an exception because i told them i needed both before i apply, lol. I just took my lab final and got a 92, very excited to be done with lecture final!
108 Posts
I just took my last AP1 exam on Friday. It was a tough one... The Nervous system and Spinal cord! I worked my butt off and sacrificed alot.. Time away from family and my young children. For my final grade for the class and I got an A!!! Hard work and determination does pay off. AP2 is going to be much more intense and thankfully my professor gave us a study guide (per our request) on the main concepts we need to brush up on over the winter break so that we can hit the ground running for AP2. Two more finals left. Statistics and Nutrition. Boy it's been a tough semester. Next semester I'll take AP2 and Microbiology. Yikes! Then I am done with my prereq's and hope to begin my BSN program in the Fall. Time has flown by. It feels so great knowing I'm getting closer and closers to my goals. Yay!
Congratulations and good luck with the rest of your finals! :)