A&P Coloring Book


is it worth it to get one? if you use/used one, how do you rate its usefulness? do you consider it a must have study aid?

i'm doing great in a&p so far, but i'm always looking for stuff to enhance my studying.

if you found it useful, which one did you use?

That's a good idea, maybe I will give it a try. Thanks!

I rate it a must have. I have Kapit's Anatomy and Kapit's Physiology. It was recommended by not required by the anatomy class and not even on the list for the physiology class but it has be tremendously helpful in each.

Kapit's was so helpful that I also bought Margaret Matt's Human Anatomy coloriing book and that was worthless... not nearly enough detail, thin pages with to-be-colored pictures on both sides. I suppose I could have used colored pencils and made it work, but it didn't compare to Kapit's anyway. I like to use a combination of colored pencils and sharpie extra fine point markers. The markers will bleed through in dots, but a single sheet of notebook paper is enough to stop them before they reach the next picture to color.

I rate it so highly for two reasons.... first the act of coloring helps the information sink in - it gets to more brain pathways by incorporating the movement and color and it encourages me to really understand how the pieces fit together. Before I got the coloring book, I used a lot a pictures. I found I learned about where the bone/muscle/nerve/etc went but only about. Secondly, Kapit gives nice summaries of the information I learn in class. It isn't enough detail to be the only thing I use, but it does make nice "Cliff notes" versions laid on one one page or a few pages per topic.

Finally, it is really not expensive for how much help it is even if you buy it new.

Thanks for your response Saysfaa. I will pick one up this weekend.

An RN friend of mine said he used the A&P coloring book in a slightly different way and it makes great sense to me. Instead of using it so much as a coloring book, he said he made multiple copies of the pages. He then labeled the original according to his text book. Then he kept the copies with him and when he had a few minutes of downtime like waiting for his son at baseball practice he would pull out a copy and label it and check it against his original. He would keep doing it over and over until he could label each picture without a mistake. :cool:

I ordered mine! Found them on Amazon. I also picked up Anatomy flash cards. Hopefully I can get a jump start, I'm taking A&P I and II over the summer...:)

Which coloring book did you get Addiesmom?

I'm taking A&P II over the summer. 6 weeks is such a short time to cram all that info but I'm ready to take on the challenge.

Yuck, that's what I am doing. I am taking A&P I over the first summer session and A&P II over the second summer session. I know it is not going to be easy, so I want any help I can get. I ordered Kapit's, The Anatomy Coloring Book, The Physiology Coloring Book, and then the McCann Anatomy Flashcards. I also want to get a head start before the class starts. Last time I took A&P was abt ten years ago in high school. The price was not bad either, around $14 for each of the books, $16 for the Flashcards. :)

I know that coloring books help a lot of people I know, so I thought I'd try it out. For me, it was a waste of money. I tried it out once and all it did was take up time I could have used studying my flashcards. Maybe it's just my style of learning, but flashcards that I make are so much better. Stuff like pre-made flashcards and coloring books never really help me. That's just me, though. It may help you... like I said, I know many people who use them and it helps them out.

is it worth it to get one? if you use/used one, how do you rate its usefulness? do you consider it a must have study aid?

i'm doing great in a&p so far, but i'm always looking for stuff to enhance my studying.

if you found it useful, which one did you use?

i got a physiology coloring book..but i quickly realized i don't have the time to sit take out my coloring pencils and color in the lines :rolleyes: it's time consuming, and i think that time could be better spent reading the book or making flashcards. imho

however..for anatomy it might. i've only tried the physiology one.

Waste of time and money.

For passing a class, stick to the material given to you by the instructor. The coloring book has about 1000% more information than you'll need to know and it will just end up getting muddled.

For actual application on the floor, again, useless, until the body part is warm and quivering right in front of you, you will not be able to identify it from a 2-dimensional picture.

I will say that yes, coloring is fun, and if you photocopy the pictures and color them about 20 times each, you'll do well with Anatomy in terms of general locations.

Beware of gimmicky study aids. In your nursing career there is no shortage of them.

The Marieb A & P Coloring Workbook is REQUIRED for both A & P I and II (hybrid;lecture Online, labs at the school; CC classes). It is part of our lab grade. All the answers are in the back of the book...but it does seem to help with remembering some of the information. It's also a nice break from reading 100+ pages a week.

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