Brookhaven College Spring 2015 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello everybody! It's a little early, but I thought I'd start a thread for the Brookhaven Spring 2015 start date. How's everybody doing? :)

hey guys.... i definitly need some help on DC...... is this suppost to be hard or i'm just lazy?? plz give me some advice~~

Y'all making me nervous about the dosage calculations course, I'm in the middle of taking it right now. I'm just strolling my way through it and taking notes like crazy. I will be starting A&P II, Nursing Patho, and Microbiology (ALL ONLINE) on Monday so this semester will be packed for me... plus I work a corp job full-time and have two children ages (10 & 3). Please pray for me. lol

I Just submitted my application today. Time to wait for an e-mail next month. Applied with 29.31 points so hopefully I get an interview.

Wow, that seems pretty high. I'm guessing you did well on your Hesi exam. I just started studying for the Hesi about 2 weeks ago, but with the fall semester classes that started it's hard to find enough time to study for it. I'll be taking the Hesi next week for the first time. Any advice?

In studying for the hesi out of town for my job and taking classes . I think as long as you can do every problem in the practice book I've heard the test is exactly alike. I take my hesi exam is in two weeks !

Yes I scored a 90 on the Hesi. Here's some info you can study. Math is pretty easy lots and lots of ratios, fractions, percentages. Memorize conversion values like 1 KG= G. If you study the vocabulary in the Hesi books it's pretty helpful. Your given the vocabulary word in a sentence and you need to select the definition. The following is what you will see in the exam:if there are 89 people in school and 7:8 are women, how amny are in school?

Here are some sample questions I remember:

If a recipe asks for 3 eggs and the pan holds 18 eggs... how many batches can you make?

drink 4 ounces milk, orange and coffee, how much in ml? convert ounces to ml

if you run 3 laps...each lap is 500 many kilometers?

6 commitee people are baking cakes- each cake has 24 servings... 70 students and 3 many cakes will they need?

convert 0.025 into a fraction

8:x = 5:10

definition of advocate

know the definition of the following words:









b.i.d. means twice (two times) a

know contractions ex. can't = cannot


Talus- Talanis

what is the biggest muscle closest to the quadreceptic femur


know where the tibula

the menstrual cycle how long?

when does ossification occur during infancy?

what is the result of meiosis- 23 chromosomes

the inner part of the ear?

where is the buttocks located? - dorsal

what carries blood -

leukocytes develop on what part of the body?

the primary function for the hypothalamus?

how does co2 get transported

which is a hollow organ? gall bladder, spleen, liver, kidney?

the orbits

what determines what goes in and out of a cell? - cell membrane or cell wall?

What is replaced by bone during embryonic development?

List the bones of the os coxae (pelvic girdle).

what happens with Co2?

schwann cell

if a patient has a pituatary tumor where is it located?

where do nutrients get absorbed? small intestine

transverse plane

what is the vein that transports from the kidney the renal vein

what is stored in the bones Calcum and phosphorous

what tissue lines the stomach

what are the 4 tissues- check 4 boxes

read about coughing and what muscle contracts n

what tissue lines a closed organ-

located on the adip

hormones, proteins, enzymes

lowe extremities

wrist bones

compact bone

sebacious gland produces?

if your outside and your body is too cold and shakes, what muscles are contracting?

I am submitting my application tomorrow! I finished all my pre-reqs with the hesi score of 88.

I didn't try to retake the Hesi because I might get lower score on my English part!

good luck everyone!

Has anyone heard anything about the essay portion?

What essay? In hesi?

Before the interview, there's an essay that needs to be written and you are given 10 minutes to hand write it. I was curious if anybody had heard about any topics from other semesters?

I took my dosage back in May and got a 94 the second try. It really wasn't that difficult, just basic math but with a lot of steps and conversions. Biggest thing is take your time because it's easy to make a little mistake that will mess up your results a few steps later in the calculation. It actually took me longer to finish my dosage exam than it did my HESI lol. Good luck!

Thank you! I just passed my HESI with a 96.4 and then freaked out when I noticed the critical thinking portion listed on the HESI info sheet.

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