MEPN 2015

Nursing Students NP Students


Thought I would get this started...

Who is applying for UCSF MEPN Program currently?

I wouldn't stress about it, perhaps there were too many Bay Area applicants than could fit on one day and they put you on the second day? The date of the interview does not indicate anything regarding your specialty. There will be other candidates from all the specialties interviewing with you on Friday. Best of luck!

thank you :)

I'm just nervous, so every single detail is overly important.

Who's having their interviews this Fri? am/pm?

If you're am session, are you doing anything after?

Hi @viksss! I'm an AGNP applicant and interviewed on 1/23 in the morning. Everything previous posters have said about the interview was true for me as well. I believe everyone (no matter your specialty) is asked the same list of questions, because one of the questions was "Why are you applying for ____ specialty?" or something like that and my interviewers had written in AGNP. I interviewed with a clinical professor in the AGNP program and with a clinical director for a community healthy clinic in the east bay.

I can't wait to find out. We're in the home stretch!

thanks guys!

see some of you tomorrow :)

Hi Half Windsor,

Were you in the morning or afternoon session? I was in the afternoon session. I agree with lingrad's comment about second guessing myself. I'm trying to stay busy but nearly every night since then I've woken up in a panic thinking about all the things I should have said...what was that look I perceived as I was shaking hands with the interviewers at the end? Why did I wear that ridiculous looking sweater when my gut told me it was a suit day? Did my attempt to appear calm and collected come off as flippant? Did I do all I could to convey my understanding of the profession and how badly I want to be there?

Oh well. We will find out soon enough. I know that the fact that we were invited to interview says a lot, and now it's just a question of which 50% of candidates seem to be a better fit. I was happy to see a couple of former classmates and meet other terrific candidates there, and I'd be thrilled to study alongside any of you that I met. Fingers crossed!

Hey a2rutherford,

I was also in the afternoon session and have had similar moments throughout this week of feeling like I didn't fully articulate my answers to the questions. Speaking of which, the final interview cohort should be starting their orientation right about now (Good luck!).

I remind myself that there is no point dwelling on those moments as I cannot go back and change them. Everyone going into those interviews has nerves, I believe it demonstrates that we are passionate about the outcome - without nerves where is the internal drive?

We each gave it our all, and should feel awesome that we made it this far. The final decision is now outside our control, and while only half of us will advance into the program, the other half of us should still feel proud of how far we got this year. Best of luck to everyone, and may the next two weeks fly by quicker than we can imagine.

Hey a2rutherford,

Best of luck to everyone, and may the next two weeks fly by quicker than we can imagine.


Yes, amen to that!

I got the last slot today, and am just so glad it's over! I

And now we wait... Best of luck!

Hey all, I called the school to ask about how notifications would go out (even though I swore to myself I wouldn't). They told me that they thought it would work the same as last year, meaning that they would change our status in the online application system and that we should get an email telling us that this change has happened. I know that doesn't sound very clear but that's pretty much the answer verbatim.

I was hoping to get an answer regarding either email or snail mail so that I could either stop compulsively refreshing my inbox and checking my spam folder or know that I could have 24 hours of semi-peace between mail deliveries. It seems instead that now I'll have to keep myself from compulsively checking the application web site and my inbox. So far (for the last 13 hours) I'm trying to adhere to checking twice a day, 8 am and 8 pm. It's worked-ish.

Good luck to everyone out there and I wish us all patience and peace.

@ AdamOak - my impression (although I could be completely off) is that we should be notified via email on or around 2/13. A friend of mine who is a current MEPN received an email notification that there was a status update on the admissions portal. I trust the email notification system, but I also have this thead set to email alert so when everyone posts with good news I hope to do the same :)

By my estimation a week and a half-ish to go!

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