How to talk to your kids about Sex....and other things to know from your School Nurse

Specialties School


Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

I'm a High School Nurse and that's the title of the workshop I will be running during Title 1 night. The Principal came up with the name and asked if I would do the workshop. I agreed. This will be interesting. I'm excited, and nervous, and I'm not sure if I will be prepared enough. Also, I do not have any kids and I'm on the young side (Not old enough to get great rates on my car insurance yet). So, to all my fellow nurses out there: does anyone have any suggestions for me to talk about to? So far my mind has brainstormed:

-ways to prevent (or try to prevent) texting and driving

-even though YOU aren't talking to them about sex, SOMEONE else is

-vaccinations before college/graduation

-decreasing your teen's digital cord without strangling them

-Breaking Bad habits: texting during family time, soda consumption, tv/video game time

-Q&A time

Any help would be greatly appreciated and yes I will give you a special shout out in my awesome PowerPoint :cat:

Specializes in retired LTC.

NO drinking & driving.

Bullying in boyfriend-girlfriend relations (as a prelude to spousal abuse). This is a personal topic for me.)

Just a couple suggestions ----

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health, Home Care.

When I was working in the HS, I was surprised at how many kids knew they shouldn't drink and drive but thought they could drive high "if they're very careful". WHAT?

Specializes in kids.

Does your school do the Youth Risk Behavior Survey? if so there should be some GREAT data there about what is happening in your district.

It addresses: drugs, alcohol, driving, mental health (suicide atttempts).....if not there is information on the CDC re the national trends.

Alos texting, sexting, socail media, the list goes on and on....good luck!

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

HIV/AIDS statistics in our young people.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

Thank you guys so much for all the awesome ideas! I'm super excited, but kinda sad I only get 20 mins. When I finish the final project I'll post everything that I'm going to go over and my resources for anyone that would like them :cat:

Specializes in kids.

If you have such a short time, try and gather some handouts and then tell them you will have more info in your office and for them to feel free to pop in (during a non academic time unless it is a life threataning emergency) if they have any more ?s. I try to always let them know the door is open.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.
If you have such a short time, try and gather some handouts and then tell them you will have more info in your office and for them to feel free to pop in (during a non academic time unless it is a life threataning emergency) if they have any more ?s. I try to always let them know the door is open.

Great idea! The hard part for me is finding health info in English and Spanish since I live in a city 30 mins. from the Border. Also, unfortunately I don't have any non-academic time since I leave at 3 when the kids get out. I would totally be okay working until 4pm and have an 8 hour day since I'm more productive when I know kids aren't around and my potential of being called is really low (i.e. minimum days). I'll definitely let my parents know that's I always have an open-door policy and I'll see if I can get the District to give me more Business cards to hand out. I didn't even think of that!

Specializes in kids.
Great idea! The hard part for me is finding health info in English and Spanish since I live in a city 30 mins. from the Border. Also, unfortunately I don't have any non-academic time since I leave at 3 when the kids get out. I would totally be okay working until 4pm and have an 8 hour day since I'm more productive when I know kids aren't around and my potential of being called is really low (i.e. minimum days). I'll definitely let my parents know that's I always have an open-door policy and I'll see if I can get the District to give me more Business cards to hand out. I didn't even think of that!

CDC does multi language hand outs. Good Luck~

many students believe that anal sex is not a form of sexual intercourse an do not really understand the dangers or the ramifications of it.

Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.

Great you are doing this

For a short talk I would try not cover too much. If there is an evaluation, have them tell you the topics they would like to hear about.

Maybe there could be a regular forum for you to meet with them

This is a great role for school nurses.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

Well, last night was my presentation at one of my high schools. Since I only had 20 mins. and 2 sessions I kept my PowerPoint short and just to the topic of talking to your kids about sex. No parents attended my 2 workshops. NONE. I'm not really surprised considering my county is in the top 5 for most teen pregnancies in my State. I'm keeping my hope up for my 2nd high school which is bigger. Since I have a hour to present I will incorporate more teen issues in to the presentation and some awesome YouTube videos I found. Thanks everyone for your help! I guess the silver lining out of all this is that administration really liked my PowerPoint and a lot of staff asked for copies of it.

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