How To Get An "A" In Any Nursing Course

Whether you're a seasoned pre-nursing student or just starting out these easy to follow steps can launch you into academic success. Take a new approach to your daily routine, make time for yourself and never fall behind in a class again. These study tips can be applied to any learning styles and fit into just about any life style as well. Get honest with yourself and plan to succeed! Nursing Students Pre-Nursing HowTo


It's that time again, the prerequisite and nursing school boards will be filling with new fall students. The most common questions I see are usually people feeling worried about some of the "harder" classes associated with the prerequisite and nursing curriculums. I find that it was never a subject that had me stumped, but more so, how I approached a subject. I went years trying to figure out what worked for me. I found some things worked in certain courses and failed miserably in other. (I.e. What do you mean I can't use flashcards for everything?!) Reading other peoples study tips have always helped me figure out my own study flow, so I want to give you my tried and true take on how to do well in anything. Of course, your attitude is important, I've wrote about this before. So make sure you're positive, regardless of your studying approach. Okay, okay, on to the good stuff.

 STEP 1  Evaluate your study needs for the upcoming semester.

Evaluate how you've done in similar courses in previous years. List your classes from most challenging to easiest based on how you've done in those subjects in the past. For me math is always at the top of that list. I know I need to dedicate more time to working math problems that I do writing a paper.

 STEP 2  The syllabus, it's a blueprint for success!

When you get your syllabus make note of what is graded and the weight. Is attendance and participation 50% of your grade? Or is your grade made of tests only? You'll want to focus your attention to the highest weight, I.e. always speak up in class or study and ace the tests. Always know if supplemental instruction is offered for each course, what your instructors office hours are and where that office is. Office hours are there for a reason use them often. Even if it's to ask something you could find out from a class mate. Ask the instructor, besides, remember letters of recommendation are easier from professors to write if they know who you are!

 STEP 3  Have you been putting in the time?

Evaluate how many hours a week you've studied in the past, did you ever get to a exam and groan that you should've studied more? Write down how much you studied and honestly evaluate if it was enough. A good rule of thumb for pre-reqs in 2 hours study time to 1 hour class time. 3 hours worth of lecture, study for 6 hours throughout the week. "Whoa, that's too much" read on, I've got tricks up my sleeve.

 STEP 4  Time suckers.

Figure out your "Time Suckers", do you find yourself on facebook for hours or reading articles on Quora, measure this as if it were a study time so you can limit it in a later part

 STEP 5  Make a schedule based on your academic and personal needs.

This is how I do it.. Take a schedule ( a sheet with 7 columns of days of the week and rows for every hour that your typically awake say 9am to 10pm) first write your classes and lab times down, these are #1. If you work record your schedule, if you commute record your travel time, record meal times if you have regular ones. Record any regularly scheduled personal commitments, dinner with mom on Sunday, date nights, taking the kids places. Lastly, add in your time suckers. If you know you'll get sucked into a 4 hour Netflix session on a Saturday... write it down. We will leave NOTHING unaccounted for friends! Record any special things you want to do throughout the week, even if it's just coffee with a pal. Look over your schedule sheet, this is the time you now have available to study and take care of class assignments. On this handy little schedule you've just made yourself you've got paper gold. A schedule of your life, now to add in the studying.


Before each class schedule a preview of 5-30 minutes. (If you have 3 classes in a row (class a, class b, class c) study In order c,b,a) During the preview your goal is to check the syllabus to see what's going on in that class, review notes and textbook in accordance from the last class, and review your written assignments and problems. Make sure to proofread any assignments your turning in too as a last accuracy check (I can't tell you how many last minute mistakes I find in stuff!)


Having done your "preview" you're now ready for your lecture. Listen, make notes, ask questions, recite and discuss. Always get involved in your lecture if you can. Even if no one else is talking. The biggest growth I've had as a student is not caring what other people thought of me. I don't care if I'm the "obnoxious girl that asks all the questions". Fact is, at the end of a lecture I'm walking away with the pieces of the puzzle that I was missing. The other great thing about the preview is if there is an impromptu quiz, you'll be ready.


I know, I know, reviewing too? But I just previewed! But this is a "sneaking in study" trick. After every class I review what I went over in lecture. It may seem silly to review the same day, but but going over the material again, despite how well you THINK you know it, I promise you more things will stick into your long term memory. I'm a visual learner so I summarize/ make a story out of the notes I just took in class. If you're auditory, I'd suggest listening to your lecture via a recorder, or going to a lab if you're tactile.


Lastly, study! I study the night before each class. So if I have 2 lectures on a Monday I study for about an hour and a half just those two subjects. I use a study-reading method technique called SQ3R (SQ3R Reading Method) that is awesome for reading through textbooks. I write down questions and personal reactions to the text for discussion in the next lecture. The neat thing about doing it this way is, say you have a bio lecture 3x a week and a bio lab. By previewing, reviewing and studying you're learning biology 16 times a week (4 previews, 4 lectures, 4 reviews, 4 study times) Instead of the traditional 8 times (4 lectures, 4 study periods). Cramming before a major test is replaced by quick previews and reviews. I also like to add in a weekly review of everything I learned the previous week on Friday nights, school is my job and I am taking it seriously enough to miss out on Friday happy hour with the buddies.

Extra Credit: Persist in managing your study time!

If you add/drop a class, change work hours, or develop a new hobby revise your schedule. Don't get discouraged if you don't make every preview/review, it's inevitable that other commitments may get in the way, but monitor if they're always getting In the way, they may be one of those time suckers I talked about. Whenever your grades go down, or you fall behind in your class assignments also re evaluate what you're spending your time on. I hope you all have an incredibly successful semester and continue to give your all to this crazy path we're taking together!

Mandy0728 said:
Yeah, I start on Monday & write each class I have that day in order, same with the rest of the days. I have a huge desk calendar at home that I color code when I have exams & quizzes coming up, using a different marker for each class. I only do this so everyday I can visualize how far away my next tests are. It helps for me!

I am really old school with the paper planner and desk calendar. I totally agree that visualizing your month on a desk calendar can be very useful and practical.

I also have really important dates in my Google calendar, which everyone in my immediate friend/family circle has access to so they can see if I'm busy or not! The Google cal is also helpful because my phone goes off 1/2 hour before everything to remind me where I'm supposed to be.

The simple key to success truly is organization, however you do it!

Chelsea, great tips thanks!

God Bless you have just broke down mental barriers about my approach to school and studying...Thank you so much!!!!

Amazing info! Can't wait to apply this!

Thanks for these tips. I really needed this! Bookmarked!!

Love this. :) ❤

I have 3 courses left to apply for the acclerated BSN program and I am hoping to recieve A's in all three - these are tips I will be sure to keep in mind!

I totally agree with some of the previous replies - I have never understood why people expect to recive credit for work they don't complete or effort they do not put in! I have never asked a professor to curve my grades or "bump" my grade up. I have in the past had professors who if everyone in the class got a question wrong would remove that question from the grading but they only did it because they felt they must not have taught the material correctly if everyone was coming to the same wrong conclusion.


SopranoKris, what king of organizer did you get? Where did you get it?

I use a lot of highlighting on my syllabus, and I mark the days I have a test/homework due with a specific color. I always put a check mark next to what I've completed. I also write the days that I have tests on the calender next to my desk so I can always see and remember when I have something important to do. It really works for me, and I love putting check marks next to what I've finished. ;)


Specializes in Emergency.

The original post assumes that you have teachers that actually know what they are doing. I'm in my MedSurg rotation and we have a graduate student who's going for her DNP (FNP) in our applied assessment class. Lets just say lectures are useless and no one ever knows what the tests and quizzes will be on.

For those classes that do have great teachers, I will agree with them. I love classes that have teachers that love to teach. :_)

This is wonderful!!! Thanks a bunch! :up:

Good advice! Thanks