Honestly...Is there still hope for my future???

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Here's the story...

I started college August 2005. I was not doing as good as I knew I should have been doing. At the end of my first semester I failed my Biology class. So which put my gpa at a 1.5, hmm not good for first semester. So spring (2006) semester rolls around, Im still not doing well. I was under so much stress and I really didnt have anyone to talk to, I was miserable. I failed 3 more classes: History, English, and Algebra!!!!! (I know yall are probably thinking GOSH!!!) But yeah I was going thru a rough moment in my life. So now my gpa is at 0.5. I get put on academic probation and now the next school year I cannot get any financial aid.

So I am forced to go a tech school here in the mean time until I could save up enough cash to go back to school. (Started Fall 2006) I have taken some classes at the tech school that will (and will not) transfer and my gpa there is a 3.0.

So now I think Im ready to go back to my first college. I have saved up enough to pay for 15 credit hours. I am mentally ready for the challenge. So I have re-applied and now I am waiting to here back from them.

Okay so my big question now is, do I continue as a Pre-Nursing major? Would it make sense to apply to the program after I have failed 4 classes??? There, the Nursing program is really strict! They don't even have very many students because they turn down so many of them. So IS THERE STILL HOPE???

All comments would be really appreciated---no matter how short, harsh, or unrelated your comment may be. I'm OPEN..........

Thanks in Advance

Honestly, Run, do not walk away from the ideal of being a nurse. [evil]Nursing School BITES [/evil]and if you are having that many problems with pre nursing classes you will never make it in nursing school where there is 0 extra credit and 0 help from fellow students and faculty. Save the money and move on to something else. Sorry to be so honest with you but it is the TRUTH :nono:

Firstly, gasguy:devil: , the way that you are talking makes it seem as if I am just plain out dumb!!!:nono: True I made a stupid mistake by not studying much at all, but you have to realize I'm human just like you are! Have you ever made a mistake, then realized the mistake and improved whatever downfall you had???? I'm sure it has happened to you. It may not have been in school, maybe some other aspect of your life. The reason I asked for everyone to give input was so that I could get a variety of comments and to hear other peoples' stories.

But you know what, in all honesty, its people like you that actually motivate me to want to strive for better! I know whenever I have had a bad day in school or I am having a hard understanding a concept, all I have to do is look at your comment....its sure to get me going!;)

And again, to everyone else, I do appreciate the feedback, and I am taking everything in for my benefit

Specializes in LTC.

My story is kind of similar to yours. I started slacking off my senior year of high school. The entire last year of high school I got all D's and F's. I went to college right away and just wasn't ready for it. I ended up dropping 3 or 4 classes my first year. Dropped out of school for a year and then went back full force and a lot more goal oriented.

I just got accepted into an ASN program with a 3.14 GPA. It took a lot of hard work, but you can do it!

My story is kind of similar to yours. I started slacking off my senior year of high school. The entire last year of high school I got all D's and F's. I went to college right away and just wasn't ready for it. I ended up dropping 3 or 4 classes my first year. Dropped out of school for a year and then went back full force and a lot more goal oriented.

I just got accepted into an ASN program with a 3.14 GPA. It took a lot of hard work, but you can do it!


I will probably do the RN-BSN track. I think it will be better if I don;t get accepted anywhere. I think there 2 ASN programs within 50 miles of me. Which ever way I decide to go, I will be greatful in the end because I didn't give up...no matter what others may have said.

Never, give in or give up! Just keep moving forward. I had some major GPA issues and felt like I'd never get accepted into a program. In fact, I received five denial letters. Although I was devasted and felt like I would never get into a nursing program, I kept applying. Today I received an acceptance letter for Fall 07.

As long as you continue to strive to get into a program you will always have a chance at getting in. Continue to do your best, thats all any of us can do. I'm sure everything will work out.

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