Chemistry is going to kill me.. >.>

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Specializes in Adult Psychiatry, Correctional/Forensic Psychiatry.

I am taking Chemistry this semester and It is going to kill me! The professor is absolutely horrible at explaining things, he just says to go online and find out. I have never took chemistry before so I have no prior knowledge on it so it is all new to me and I am not learning a thing. The only advantage is that the exams are all online, but even then, I still feel like I am not learning anything at all.. I looked up the questions on good and found the answers, I got a 95 on the first test and an 86 on the second, but it's not because I knew what I was doing. :down:

Anyone else having trouble in Chemistry?

try youtube to explain the sections to you better. I was in the same boat and made an A. My professor never gave reviews, but we had our exams in class. Read the book. Focus. You will do fine. You can do this!

Youtube, Khan Academy specifically, should help you. Chem is a tough subject anyways and having a professor that lacks the ability to sufficently explain things is tough. Rise above though, read the book, learn online, and definitely utilize any supplemental instruction your school offers (tutors, study groups etc) Good luck! Don't let this defeat you!

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

First I would say don't blame the professor. I have been a nurse since 2006 and guess will have Doctors who do not "explain" stuff very well. It doesn't matter. You have to learn to be successful no matter what others are doing. When I was in chemistry I would write everything down...EVERYTHING. Then I would go to the library and spend HOURS figuring it out. That is your option. Hard work. Study. Do not ever quit. The last thing is DO NOT blame the instructor. Adapt to the situation and overcome. Get good at it now because you will need it to be a successful RN.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Wow. IMO, this is one of those subjects (along with Statistics & Micro) where the instructor makes a HUGE difference. I was lucky enough to have a fabulous undergrad professor... almost made me want to switch to chem major - LOL. It's just crazy to pay tuition for something so useless, right?

You already realize that looking up answers is only a temporary solution. It may help you 'pass' but will come back to bit you in the nether regions when you have to draw upon chem knowledge to understand important concepts in subsequent classes. I wish I had a magic answer for you.

All your other science classes will build on chemistry - so it is important. You have to read the material and follow it up with other ways of learning, e.g. videos (youtube), visual learning, etc.

What other classes are you taking? Do you have too heavy a load this semester? I took all my classes until this semester online, so it is possible to do well in a class and teach yourself. You just have to use a variety of tools to do it. It is fun to see it all coming together now that I am in microbiology.

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.

If you are stuck with a lousy professor you have two choices:

1. Drop out and retake it at a later date

2. Teach yourself. Tutors, online studying, spending extra hours in the library, or whatever it takes.

Really, that's about it.

Specializes in Adult Psychiatry, Correctional/Forensic Psychiatry.

Thanks Guys. I really did not want it to come to me blaming the professor. He just does not explain anything it all, I guess he assumes we know all this material and I really don't know any of it. I realize, I will probably just have to teach it to myself. That's important if it's going to come up in my other classes. He has a lot of bad reviews but he was the only open spot available. All together I am taking, A&P I, Chemistry, Nutrition, Developmental Psychology, and French.

I took it online and got NO help from my teacher. you can do it on your own!! The book should explain everything and do all the practice questions. If you have a study guide book that has extra that. It was a great help to me to look at the solutions to solve problems. I got an A even though I did HORRIBLE in high school chemistry. I found the book very very helpful. Dont worry to much. When you get to something you dont know...look up the topic on you tube. I found a lot of college professors had excellent videos from other colleges on there. I learned a lot that way.

A bad professor makes any class terrible. Make sure to look every instructor up on before taking their class.

Borrow "Chemistry for Dummies" from the library. It will explain the same concepts in a better way. I also bought the "Chemstry for Dummies" workbook and did the equations. Helped me learn the info and get an A. (By the way, I flunked high school chemistry 20 years ago and had been afraid to take Chemistry since.)

Chemistry has come up a lot in my Physiology and Microbiology classes, so make sure that you understand.

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