Anyone loving their classes this semester?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am! While I'm still scared to death of the thought of it, I'm just loving AP1. the subject matter is fascinating and our prof is wonderful - she's all of 30 yrs old, a doctoral student who is so excited about science education. She's tough and has high expectations, but the teaching is still fresh and fun for her and it shows. Sociology isn't that bad either.

Specializes in LTC, subacute CNA.

I've definitely geeked myself out at school and am thoroughly enjoying my classes with the exception of ethics (lol, like others here, I see.) I even like organic chemistry. Love biology, enjoying sociology. Can't wait until I take A&P this summer.

I've taken everything....just waiting on the nursing classes for the fall. I am taking a Medical Spanish class this semester. It's a breeze of a semester. I don't know what to do with myself!

I've definitely geeked myself out at school and am thoroughly enjoying my classes with the exception of ethics (lol, like others here, I see.) I even like organic chemistry. Love biology, enjoying sociology. Can't wait until I take A&P this summer.

I am sooooo glad to meet another Aristotle :gandalf: fan I remember my organic chem class well.....can share horror stories about it :lol2:

Good luck, you've got quite a load!

This semester is going OK. The only class I have right now is microbiology, but I work full time so it isn't easy. I think I am going to try and take an accelerated Critical Thinking class (English 2) that starts on March 17th. I need it anyway, so I will squeeze that in on Wednesday nights and half a day Saturday for 2 months. It will be hard, but I know that I can do it, and I'll be knocking out another class in 8 weeks, so that's a good thing!

Vicky ;)

The human body is fascinating. Psychology is very fascinating also. Speech and Intro to Comp I can do without. lol[EVIL][/EVIL]

no :barf01:

May 4 (graduation) can't come fast enough

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