Yale GEPN Applicants 2012

Nursing Students Post Graduate


There didn't seem to be a main thread for applicants to Yale's GEPN program this year, so I thought I'd get one started. I'm applying for the midwifery specialty and am currently working on my application essays, having done everything else.

Is anyone else really struggling with the main essay? I've finished my apps to two other programs and was happy with how those essays came out, but Yale's essay guidelines as so restrictive that I feel like my essay is turning out all disjointed. The fact that we have to answer every aspect of every question in *exactly the order they list* (this is apparently something that you need to take very seriously) means that I'm having to tie myself in knots. I want it to be not only informative about me as an applicant but also a good piece of writing - and I feel like the essay format is making this kind of difficult.

Anyone else out there applying?

***** said on Interview Day that all students from 2012 on will have to take A&P, regardless of their prereqs. We'll all be in the same boat. I took it last year, but I'm going to read up over the summer to refresh my memory!

Are you enrolled in a program for a degree or just for extra classes? If it's just extra classes, then grades don't matter because you took those classes for you. You shouldn't need to submit grades for them in that case.

I would call Yale Admissions and double-check before you drop them, but I definitely would! enjoy a study-free life!

Hey manhattandoula! Congrats on your acceptance, I too got into the MW program (I'm pretty sure we had our interview day together...)

Here are my thoughts on your prereqs--I'm assuming you have the books for all these courses, and it appears you will be taking A&P regardless. It's nice to have a background, but I would just focus on your life right now (since you likely won't have much of one come September) and consider your texts "summer reading":) Im sort of in the same boat...I'm taking Micro for Columbia and if I choose Yale, I feel I'd rather spend the time with my kids. I won't get a refund either but I don't see the point in spending extra time taking courses I don't need when I could be using the time to get my life in order for the coming year!

Is anyone else on the thread debating between Columbia and Yale? I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons before receiving aid packages. I prefer the atmosphere and ingenuity at Yale, but Columbia's program is considerably shorter and awards the BS, Nursing. I've heard a lot of talk about future job requisites, including some cities will require a BSN for an RN position, and that the DNP will be required for nurse practitioners by 2015. Anyone have some light to shed?

Just got my financial aid letter...no pleasant surprises, I'm afraid, just a small scholarship and big loans....anyone get good news?

Hey CBlack37,

I am so, so torn between Columbia and Yale, so I really hear what you are saying about the pros and cons. I would love to exchange more info, hear your thoughts. Are you on the facebook page?

@laflaca-your fin aid info came via email right? or should i be scouring the mailbox?

My financial aid information came via email about half an hour ago, steelypop. I was also offered a small (@15K) scholarship.

yes, mine was by email....my scholarship was even smaller than yours, Category X ($7,500)...but I am leaning toward another school anyway....so, good news for FNP wait-listers!

......still no fin aid news geez. I am so eager to know....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ouch....$3,500 K scholarship. Megaloans, here I come!

i am totally lucky and got one of the 15k but still mega-loans.....so scary. a total deterent to going back to school.

Specializes in Diabetes, Research.

ugh still no financial aid news yet... I wonder if it's because I haven't filed my taxes yet? but I did my FAFSA and sent it in with my best estimates well before the deadline. blargh

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