Applicants to Portland area schools 2013

U.S.A. Oregon


Hello everyone! I was an avid reader of last years articles on applying to schools here, and it really helped me get an idea of how many points I would need. I thought I'd return the favor. So far I've only applied at PCC with 54.5 points (I think). For some reason, I'm not getting any discretionary points at Chemeketa and very few at Mt. Hood, so I might just forgo them this year. Is it just me or are schools going to a model where you can only really have a chance if you take the prereqs there? Anyways, good luck everyone!!!!

Well, I'm sure everyone noticed that the email was CC'ed to all applicants, not BCC'ed. So, I counted how many people it was sent to. There were 180 people on the email. So, at most, there will be 100 people on the waitlist. I have also made the calls to everyone I could about being accepted and I have been attached to my email like a crazy person...

I have been watching this thread since yesterday and I am hoping for everyone that it all works out. I also received the acceptance to PCC after being denied at all the other schools I applied to. I was so excited and then to have it ripped away was hard. I am trying to be optimistic and wait for the email. I am just hoping we hear soon. Good luck everyone!:)

This mistake by PCC is unacceptable, no way should it have ever happened.

I wish you all the best as your stomachs must be turned inside out.

As hard and awful as this is, I'm so glad that I have you all to wait with. Though we don't know each other, knowing I'm not alone in this anxiety does help. So hang in there everyone, I'm hoping for the best for all of us!

ITA simplesmile! Hopefully this will be like a crisis bonding experience before we are all really accepted :-)

My whole family thinks I'm still accepted, I'm not saying anything until I really find out. I'd rather stress on my own and here than have everyone try to reassure me. Plus I had a gigantic fb about being accepted. 50 likes and counting... This whole think really taints the 'real' acceptance email (if/when we get it).

One hour to go before we should know!!

Yea in a way its kind of embarassing- like telling the whole world (including my grandpa) that I got in and if I dont... how do you go about telling everyone it was an accident?

But I agree- it is nice having someone to share the stress with. My hub keeps saying "well you got in the first time you should be in the second time"... Me on the other hand am not so positive about it all!

Thank the lord its officially official!!!!! Pcc 2015!!!

Got the email! Officially accepted!

That was so strange...I went from #8 on the wait-list for PCC to accepted...I was accepted to OHSU-Ashland and I already sent them my deposit...I never imagined that I would have to make a decision this year.

I'm in :-)

Biggest relief ever!

Went from accepted to number 42 on the wait list.

leipdx12788 same with me! I was wait-listed the first time and accepted this time but I am going to OHSU-Monmouth and already sent in my deposit last week and that was my first choice anyways. At least that is two open spots for someone who might have been accepted the first time then bumped to the wait-list this time. This whole ordeal is absolutely uncalled for, they should have at least issued apologies to the students who where accepted the first time around, what a nightmare! I really hope that everyone on this forum gets there spots, my fingers are crossed for you!

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