Insane visitors!

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I'm a graduate nurse (took my NCLEX last week) and I work on a postpartum floor in a rural hospital, and for the most part, I love it. I'm just a little baffled by some of the visitors we get -- we get them at all times of the day and night, regardless of when the delivery was. Visiting hours end at 9pm and people seem to think that they can just come waltzing in b/c the mom delivered after 9pm. It's like HELLO? This woman's been in labor all day, has been through a delivery and it's now BEDTIME!! I've had patients that have had probably 10 people in our little private rooms less than 5 minutes after we get them into the bed on the postpartum unit. :rolleyes: And then, while you're doing frequent vital signs and have to check the patient's fundus, lochia, etc., the people in the room make a big deal of us asking them to step out! What's the deal? I realize this is a big thing, new member of the family and all that, but good grief! Provided there are no complications, mother and baby will be home the following day - does everybody and their dog really need to come visit in the hospital?

Anybody else feel this way? Thanks for letting me vent...


I cannot stand it when there are other people in the pt's bed. Don't these people know what's coming out of that patient?? I am constantly changing sheets b/c they've got blood on them (and this is something I expect to be doing on a PP floor) but I wouldn't want to go laying around on some bed that has who knows what in it! :eek:

My pet peeve is the boyfriend in bed either with the pt or instead of the pt. I throw them out of the bed. It's the priciple of the thing...The other night I was alone with 8 pts in various stages of recovery and I have visitors on the night shift requesting tea and toast AND wake up calls......Nope...No can do...... [/b]

Man, I thought I was the only one. It really bothers me when I see the s/o in bed with the patient. Especially when the pt. is a 14 years old who just gave birth to her 3rd child. Call me over-protective, but it's just wrong. But have you ever walked in on a PP pt. in a...compromising position? I always knock on my pt. door before entering, but I guess this particular pt. was so otherwise occupied, that she didn't hear. As I'm walking in, her boyfriend is jumping off the bed and she's pulling the coveres up around her neck. HELLO, you just gave birth 24 hours ago!!!

I've gotten to the point that when visitors start requesting water, food,etc. I have no problem telling them what flooor the vending machines are on or that we have a water fountain in the hall.

Originally posted by Dayray

Just who the hell do you think you are"

Actually, I am the Evil Bit*@ Nurse who will be kicking your but out in 5 minutes...

:devil: :( :roll


The worst rude guest event happened last week when I floated to couplet care.

I had an admit going into bed 1 of a semiprivate room. Bed 2 is occupied. Its after midnight, so I tell bed 2s SO that he must leave because another pt is coming. I set up the room.

15 minutes later, I follow the OB nurse and the couplet into the room only to find the SO in the new pt's bed all covered up.

Pt says "I know the Sept 11 babies are filling up the hospital, but do I have to share a bed with him?"

Good thing the pt had a sense of humor, as she waited in a WC with babe in her arms for housekeeping to change the bed.

only to find the SO in the new pt's bed all covered up.

OMG! please hold me down! I think I would have lost it on that one.

There is an alternative explanation. If this guy was anything like my hubby in the middle of the night, he doesn't hear or comprehend a word you say. So he might have just thought you were being generous and giving him somewhere to kip for the night!!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

That would be seriously out of it. common sense dictates you don't take over an empty hospital bed for your own! sheesh, that was rude as hell!

:rolleyes: OMG, I would have found it difficult to control my mouth in that situation. I would have had choice words for both the a$$hole in the other bed AND the pt..

Oh G-d. This subject reminds me when I had my first child. He was the first grandchild and everyone had to be there. I didn't want anyone in the room so they all hung right outside waiting. My mom told me that both of my brother in laws started racing wheelchairs down the hallway (both are older than 27 I might add) and got mad when my (awesome) L&D nurse kicked them out!

Then when my sister in law had her first child my father in law actually slept on the floor in the room with she and her husband. The baby went into distress 3x before they did an emergency section and her father in law was there all 3x witnessing her getting into all sorts of unflattering positions. Like he was going to do anything helpful!

Love to hear that things are the same all over. I have no problems telling visitors it's time to go. I don't care how anyone feels about me....and I'm sure they are saying some choice words when I leave the room! Must be pt advocate!

By the way, ADN 2002

"I PASSED MY NCLEX!!! (I found out today, so I'm a little excited...) "

Hurray for you! Wooohooo!!!! You go girl! Just'll never have to do it again! :)

had a good one last night ,i was in pushing with patient aftwer long diffucult labor, mother kept calling ever 5 to 10 minutes asking her how much longer and when was she going to give in and get c/s. well i unplugged the phone so my patient could concentrate on the task at hand and had nurses at desk hold all calls. 1 hour later she delivered a healty boy. and told me how thankful she was that i turned off her phone. I find things like this so anoyying. how can anyone be so inconsiderate is beyond my understanding

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