I got a job!!!! BOO-YOW!

Whether its who you know or not, 2.5 GPA vs 4.0, previous CNA/Tech/LPN experience or none, BSN or ADN - You've got to get out there and make something happen for yourself! Faxing in the good ol' resume just doesn't cut it anymore. Be PROACTIVE. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

I am cheeeesing!!! Because I am officially a nurse. That's right! No longer am I the licensed non-working individual. But I am not here to gloat or rub it in. I wanted to give some tips. They are kind of out-of-the-norm....Very stalker-ish even! Hopefully, these will help you as they did me. Fyi...Try to be discreet at certain times with a few of these rules. Happy hunting!

:yes: :yes:

Check out LinkedIn

This website is not only a networking tool for individuals but for companies as well. You'd be surprised how many CEO's and directors of nursing are on that site.

Stalker angle: many of the big heads keep their overall profiles anonymous. So you may see a title, but no name nor face. In order to override this. Look down to the bottom of the screen. There is a section called: people who viewed this profile, or something like that. Click on one of their names to see their profile. Once you do that, scroll back down again to the same section. The previous profile (that had no name) that you viewed will now appear with a name and (if, available) a picture.

Also, cue in on the groups. Not only was I a member of nursing groups,I also became a member of a recruiter's network group. You get to read all the dirt, do's and don'ts. One recruiter was asking the group on how to do her background checks without contacting the previous jobs. Another was dogging out the interviewee. From their attire to their responses. Are you kidding me??? Why shouldn't we be in on this too???? And the best part....It's all free. Also, they have a jobseeker membership. For like $15/mo or so, they will brand your profile with a gold jobseeker icon. I never used it but this month they are offering a free 30-day trial to use it. So if I were you guys, i'd sign up just flipping because.

Email Contact

Once you've secretly (ha!) bagged your info, use that as your seller when emailing them. How do you do that, you ask? Easy! Go to the website of the company. Look up their contact us info. Somewhere on the overly detailed site, you should see a "@mycompany.org" listed. Most companies have the usernames as their first name. [email protected]. Use that to your advantage. Send an email using two versions. Ex. [email protected], or [email protected]. Its bound to get to them. In your email. Give a brief introduction of yourself. Talk about how you'd be interested in working for their hospital etc etc, attach resume and hit send. The worst that could happen....It gets eaten by their spam folder, or self-deleted. The best...They wonder how in the heck you got their email and forwards your resume to their hiring manager after scrutinizing you by phone. If and when they call, they'll go through the motions and then hit you with that question. When they do ask, here's what you say: oh I was researching how blank hospital recently became a #1 stroke center, etc etc and saw your name and info. Make sure you let it roll off your tongue.

Stalker angle: to score really good brownie points, research their name within the hospital's site and even Google them. I found a majority of my people had open facebook accounts, or were presenters at nursing conventions that I've attended. So for extra bit of measure, I threw in info that we had similarly in common.

Works wonders!!

Post Resume On Job Sites

When you put a resume on job sites, i.e., Monster, CareerBuilder, indeed, etc., update your profile once a week. Just think millions of people like you and me are constantly on the look for jobs. These sites charge employers almost a couple thousand a year to post their ads (yes!!! I've checked. Try uploading an ad as an employer and see what their bill is). Then do you think they actually look at all those 1-500 of 5,000,000 profiles. Of course not! They shave the first 5-10 they see and logout from the rest. So if I upload my profile on Monday, and i'm #3. What's my spot come Thursday? #56,412??? So, once a week, go to your profile and do anything. Re-upload a resume, delete your number and re-add it, add another location to relocate to...Whatever. You make one change, you're automatically put back at the top of the list. I would upload my resume, and my phone wouldn't stop ringing. Then come Wed/Thurs...Silence. I was fooling around and updated something of little importance. All of a sudden, my phone's off the hook again. That's when I figured it out. I told two other friends to do the same, and it happened exactly. So stay on top of those job sites.

Become A Super Stalker

For those of you desperately wanting to get your dream unit job: icu, or, nicu, dialysis, etc etc. Look up all the possible hospitals/facilities you would like to work with. Call the main number and ask for that specific unit. When transferred, tell the clerk you would like to speak to the manager. (for 1st time calls, call around lunch time. Hopefully, they won't be in the office.) once transferred, hopefully you'll get to the voicemail--detailing their name and the extension you called. Let's say you get the name, but not the extension. Then call the operator and ask for Janice Kay's ext. Try to sound as if you already work there. Pipsqueak voices are not allowed! Or maybe you got the extension, but no name. In that case, call the unit back, not the operator. This time sound kind of bossy. Most people will rattle of the mgr's name thinking you have a complaint. And if you're really lucky, they'll offer to give the direct line. With that info in tow, refer back to #2. Send your strategy email, then you must double back with a phone call. Sometimes, hr is super slow on the hiring process. But the mgr can push them, especially when she sees your resume is just what she's looking for.

Another hint: most nurse managers love new grads. Its the hr that's a blocker to us. Get in with them, and the table could turn in your favor.

Make The HR Assistant/Secretary Your New BFF

The job that I accepted was pretty much due to the hr secretary. I faxed my info over, waited a few days, and then called to confirm she got it. While she was looking to see, I could still hear her chatting to herself and I caught on that she didn't have a southern accent. So I played on that, and she let me know how she was an out-of-towner. After our 5 min conversation about how she adjusted and what brought her there (notice, I made the convo all about her!), I get a call from the chest pain coordinator the next day.

Results: I tested my strategies out, starting from Jan 25th till Feb. 14th (offer acceptance date). Overall, in 3 1/2 weeks, I've had 6 interviews, 6 offers, and selected for 3 residency programs in 2 different cities. Yesterday, I got an email to set up a phone interview for today. All of them are looking for experienced nurses, but still were willing to see me because of my unique, savvy contacting techniques. I start march 14th. They gave me four weeks to relocate and such. And lets just say i'm verrrrrrrrrrrrryyyy appreciative of the pay.

In closing, whether its who you know or not, 2.5 gpa vs 4.0, previous cna/tech/lpn experience or none, BSN or ADN, you've got to get out there and make something happen for yourself! Faxing in the good ol' resume just doesn't cut it anymore. Be proactive. I wish everyone of you the best in your endeavors. We all have worked hard just to get to this point, so its inevitable that our time will come. Some sooner than others.

*doing my happy dance* boo-yow!!!!! *fist pump*

Ang.B said:
HI, I know this is a old post but I am currently in the process of applying to RN positions as a new grad in NYC and really want to try this method out. My question to you is what exacly did you write to the nurse recuiters? Was it a cover letter type email? Did you tell them how you found their name/email address?

Thanks so much!

I'm trying to remember exactly what I wrote. I know I sent my resume and a cover letter stating why I wanted to work at that particular hospital...did some research on the hospital beforehand.. did not say how I got the email. Just stated that i was a new graduate RN and would love an opportunity to discuss my qualifications and apply for a position. Hope this helps. Note- In my cover letter and email I addressee each hospital individually and why I wanted to work for that particular hospital. It was a lot of time spent on researching each hospital but it's worth it for the outcome of getting a job. Go for the CNO or Floor Director on linked in. They are the bigwigs. One of my cohorts got a job by calling the floor...asking the directors name and then showing up to the nursing station dressed in a suit with his resume and cover letter. Ballsy but it worked like a charm.

Hey ChicagoRNtoBSN although this thread is from a few years ago I was hoping to get your opinion on something! I have been "stalking" the shift supervisor at a hospital I just applied to with a position I am SUPER interested in. I called today and they said she won't be in until tomorrow and to call back then. I'm not sure if I should try emailing the possible combinations and then call as well, or don't even bother with the email? Or vice versa? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! :cat:

Specializes in Trauma ICU, Informatics.

Hi Cat....if you are SUPER interested then you do just that....ALL OF THE ABOVE with a bit of a twist. First off, "shift supervisor" is not exactly "upper management." So emailing them would really be on the "bad side" of stalking, if that makes any sense. So what do you do?

1. Call the shift supervisor tomorrow. Please be prepared with whatever you're going to say to her, because that could be what makes or breaks you in the next steps. Depending on the conversation, gauge whether it was a positive (she'll remember talking to you), or negative (didn't have much to say and rushed you off the phone).

2. Send your email to the actual manager. In that email, include your conversation with said shift supervisor only if she was a positive (THE MAKE). If she wasn't, don't bother mentioning her at all (THE BREAK). You don't want to include the person in your email who wouldn't recall talking to you, in the email to the hiring person. It just doesn't work in your favor.

3. IF YOU DON’T HEAR FROM THE MANAGER: Follow up with a call, a couple days to a week later to the shift supervisor, and ONLY if she was a positive call. Let her know that you emailed such and such and you hadn't heard anything. And be bold at this point. If you forgot to ask something before, ask it now. Outright ask…are they really hiring for the position now, or later.....What type of candidate would they be looking for?

IF YOU DO HEAR FROM THE MANAGER: Still call the shift supervisor and let her know. You want to get this person on your side. I’m the type that would have asked this person to bring me up the manager. But that's just me.

IF YOU GET NO RESPONSE FROM EMAIL AND IT WAS A NEGATIVE CALL WITH THE SHIFT SUPERVISOR…then you get dressed in your best, with resume in hand and take a trip to the unit.

Some people are afraid to be bold because they are seeking a job. So the feeling is to be humble. But confidence is what's needed here. You've got to say to yourself: I do value the opportunity, but I want to be taken seriously too. So while you’re working this opportunity, you should be simultaneously “carpe diem” everywhere else.

Last thing, is it only this unit? Would there be another area of the hospital that you would like to work? Try that as well. Most places let you transfer after three months. So that’s a route you could use as well. Hope this helps. Good luck to you!

ChicagoRNtoBSN first of all thank you SO much for such a quick and helpful response, I sincerely appreciate it. I did some more research on the hospital and it seems they don't have the typical nurse managers, they have shift supervisors and then operations managers/directors. I'm having a ton of issues finding out if they have operations managers on every unit and, if so, who the operations manager is on the L&D unit, but I'm going to keep trying. I know I can also ask on the phone tomorrow, but I don't want it to come off as if I haven't looked up anything about the hospitals management considering I'm calling to talk to someone who can hopefully help land me a job. So basically that has left me a tad confused and that's why I was considering emailing the shift supervisor; I thought she held the main management position on the unit.

Also, in regards to looking at other units on the hospital to work at: I am definitely not opposed and I would be grateful for any position I received. However, my heart truly is in maternity nursing and this is the one L&D position I have found so far that is actually looking for new grads to apply.

Edit**** I'm pretty sure I just found the director of maternal child health, so that makes things easier! :cat:

Specializes in MedSurg, PACU, Maternal/Child Health.

Depending on where you live or are looking for job in , i would use caution with walking onto a unit...in big cities or in very busy hospitals, job seekers walking onto a floor with the sole purpose of asking for a job are not welcome. If you even get past security (visitors passes only given to those there by invitation or a purpose such as to visit a patient), The manager has plenty to deal with and will end up directing you to HR, who will tell you to apply online. A way to get around this is to have connections on that unit. If you have connections then walking into the unit would be not bad as someone knows you there. I found that using the telephone is tough also, as most managers do not want to deal with job seekers since they have a lot going on with patient care and administration.

Places you can walk into without much issue are: hospitals in rural area or cities with actual nursing shortages (i heard the Dakotas and Montana are these type of states), clinics, and SNF/nursing homes.

Great tips! *bookmarked*

I am actually considering doing the same thing but for a student nursing position. I met up with a manager who knew other managers and needless to say she called me the same day! Apparently, the DON was interested in me and wanted to meet with me !! Well, I haven't heard from him since ever since I've tried calling him. But I'm going into full stalker/annoying mode every week to ensure that I'm heard lol thanks for the advice !! The days of just submitting your resume and expecting a call are long gone!!