Topics About 'Job Search Assistance'.

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Found 7 results

  1. Confessions of a 30-Something RN Grad

    First question, okay, 50/50.....A or C..... hmmm...A.... "next".....2nd question.....what? What are they asking? These are all right, and there are no indicators in the question showing priority. Can I ask them "is this patient stable?" "how old are ...
  2. The employment market seemed to have changed for the worse soon after the financial meltdown of 2008. Ever since then, I have noticed that many job postings and 'help wanted' ads have changed insidiously by utilizing a different tone and making impli...
  3. MPKH

    Dear New Grads

    I want to let you know that no matter how bleak the job market looks right now, how many "no"s and rejections you get in your job search, how badly you bombed interviews, it does get better. Even if you were terminated from that first job, things do ...
  4. TheCommuter

    Employment Scams And Fake Job Postings

    Unemployed healthcare workers who are desperate for work might fall victim to phony job postings that take full advantage of their vulnerable situations. Even though some of these scams have existed for many years, the sluggish national economy has b...
  5. BostonTerrierLover

    Getting Your Desired Position 101

    Since the economy went downhill and facilities started hiring seasoned nurses returning from retirement, and housewife nurses that had a husband layed off, etc. the fight for your desired position has intensified. You have to be at the top of your ga...
  6. How to Survive the Job Search

    The search for my first nursing job was hands down the most brutal, draining, demoralizing period of my life. After all the hard work of getting through school, with all the hopes and dreams that sustained me all those years, I was just not prepared ...
  7. I got a job!!!! BOO-YOW!

    I am cheeeesing!!! Because I am officially a nurse. That's right! No longer am I the licensed non-working individual. But I am not here to gloat or rub it in. I wanted to give some tips. They are kind of out-of-the-norm....Very stalker-ish even! Hope...