Dec 2011 Graduates

Nurses Job Hunt



I wanted to let you guys know I finally got my first RN position. The offer came in today. For all the new graduates still struggling, please keep trucking away. I know it is very difficult out there and stressful. But I wanted to share to give you hope that they are still hiring Dec 2011 graduates :)

I finally got a job too!! (SC)

To Nikkirnbsn,

Don't give up yet!!! I graduated in Dec also passed my boards in Jan and just started my job. I applied to literally like 2000 jobs, things I didn't even want just in hopes to get a phone call. I had like 9 interviews and finally landed a job and started last week. Its really tough out there for new grad nurses. Hang in there :) Try to think of how you can better your cover letter, and make yourself stand out more. I learned that with the cover letter that you really want to fully direct it to that position. So I started only applying to peds jobs after a while because that is exactly what i knew I wanted so, my cover letter seemed to fit more appropriately. Then for the interview its good you had some practice, I felt like I needed the practice on how to best say who I am and my positive attributes. Its hard but hang in there:)

Congrats Skyegirl!

Specializes in Psych.

I too am a Dec 2011 grad and I just started my job on Mon in community mental health

Good luck. May I ask if you had prior nursing experience? That seems to be my dilemma - less than 1 year exp.

I have had no prior nursing experience at all, never been certified as a LPN or aide. I really had a tough time finding a job and applied a ton! I applied to jobs as a full time job basically, it was terrible. Hang in there.

Specializes in Psych.

I did not have experience either. It took almost 6 mos from graduation and 3 months from licensure for me. I ran into the lack of experience thing too. Hang in there, you will find something. Widen your search outside the hospital. I am working in the community.

Congratulations! I'm in NYC and it's really tough out here. I have been hired as a camp nurse this summer, I'll be doing 3 weeks. I also got hired by a flu clinic, but that doesn't start til August, but it's better than nothing. I was offered a job at a GYN office but I turned it down because it seemed like a really shady office and I don't think I'd learn anything there. The doctor said I'd be trained by the medical assistant! Anyway, good luck everyone!

Just wanted to bump this up and let you know I just landed a job in the NICU! I was lucky enough to have the interview set up by one of my professors from school, but I did my homework and rocked the interview! I am so excited as I had just about given up hope at working at this hospital (I gave my resume to my professor back in December!). I know some of the things that helped me is that I am already enrolled in an RN to BSN program and that I had some experience working with kids at camp this summer. I wish all of you still looking the best of luck, don't give up hope!

Specializes in Psyche RN.

Okay sorry for the very late news....But I was lucky to get a psyche Nurse job back in June...I am so happy I could just pinch myself. I am out here in the Bay Area too!! There is hope everyone...........Never never give up...............

Newby Nurse.....:specs:

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