What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

Here is my most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing story! Nurses Humor Article


I was working a night shift on a tele floor as a new Nurse.

We had this one poor old lady who was confused and was restrained as usual for her safety. She was our designated resident nightmare geri from hell, so she was placed near the Nurse's station.

So we are chilling out at the Nurse's station, chatting and trying to get through another night...

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see our lady in question standing in the dimly lit doorway of her room!

I instantly leap out and run to her. As I approach her, she appears to be falling towards me, so I meet her in a bear hug...my arms around her waste, and her arms around my shoulders.

As I catch the lady, I notice a very strong smell of feces, and I feel something warm on my hands, arms and shoulders...

My fellow heroes come in behind me, and as the lights are turned on, my worst fears are instantly realized.

Yes, I caught the poor old lady with a good old bear hung football catch, but I was also covered in the lady's feces.

As I look at her, she has feces smeared all over her arms and hands... (and even her face!)

And of course, now so did I! :D

Specializes in Home Health.
:eek:Eeeyech! One wonders, were it viable, WHAT it might produce. (shiver,shudder,tremble):eek::eek:


Specializes in geriatrics, dementia, ortho.

I managed to gross out my charge nurse the other night with this one:

"I just finished Mrs.X's HS care and her hand, the very contracted one? It obviously hasn't been getting cleaned. It was full of at least a tablespoon of stuff that was like yeasty tapioca pudding."

She stopped, looked at me, and said "Now that's just WRONG!" :lol2:

Well as a NICU nurse we don't get to witness many of the lovely things that have been described...but I have one that not only is the grossest thing that has ever happened but also the thing that to this day gives me nightmares. So, if you decide to read on youv'e been warned :uhoh3:

The NICU team was called by L&D for a 24 week gestation delivery. The woman had walked in with her bag bulging and the babies feet were included. Well the labor had gone to far to consider a C/S so the OB resident was going to deliver the baby vag. Well as we all stand there waiting to do our thing (the mother wanted everthing done) the mom pushes and the OB pulls, out came the baby and was put on the warmer. The baby looked very strange even took me and the Neo a second to figure out what was wrong, because it was so unbelivable....

The baby had been decapitated...all that we got was the body and the brain stem. The head had to be delivered by C/S. To this day I can not even imagine what those parents must have gone through. It was like being in a horror film. Needless to say I have never seen the OB resident again.

May the lord bless her and the father. How terrible....

Specializes in geriatrics( ltc snf and sub acute((.

OMG! How in the hell did that happen? My prayers go out to the baby's parents

and family, as well as all of the nurses and doctors who had to witness such a

horrific tragedy. Dear Lord!

Specializes in Medical.

In this whole thread that's the story that I found most horrific, and also the one I don't repeat when telling other nurses about this thread.

i wonder if this is actually a true story, anywhere? There is a nurse at our hospital who swears up and down he took care of a woman who came to A&E with an infected stoma site and it was +ve for STDs because the husband had been "using" it. I think this story floats around every hospital! I refuse to believe it's true because it's just TOO gross! (please, nobody shatter my illusion!)

I don't get what's so gross about this. as long as it's legal and consentual..

I mean, it wouldn't float my boat, but it's just sex.. people have anal sex and oral sex and hand sex and foot sex and breast sex and armpit sex.. I don't really think stoma sex is much weirder or grosser!

I've been an LPN for only 6 months and have already been in many disgusting situations. I will share one with you...

I was working a 24 hour shift with a post-cva patient in her home and had to monitor her throughout the night, at 0300 i heard what sounded like running bath water. Sure enough, i entered the washroom and this elderly patient was sitting in a tub half full of water in her nightgown......to make matters worse she had defecated in the tub.....all i could see was a big mess of soft formed stool floating around the tub. That was quite the clean up...

Sadly, the part that stood out to me most of this post was the 24 hour shift. I guess nothing phases you anymore after you do nursing for awhile.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
I don't get what's so gross about this. as long as it's legal and consentual..

I mean, it wouldn't float my boat, but it's just sex.. people have anal sex and oral sex and hand sex and foot sex and breast sex and armpit sex.. I don't really think stoma sex is much weirder or grosser!

I just learned something today and I'm 68 years old. It just goes to prove we can always learn something. I had no idea that so many forms of sex even existed.
Specializes in Psychiatry, Telemetry, Med/Surg.

My c-diff patient on Lactulose Q2. Fun.

I think it is really disgusting seeing a Dominos Pizza ad right next to some of these stories!!

Speaking of maggots, we had a rabbit come in last week infected with Cuterebra or rabbit bots. This poor creature had at least a dozen lesions. These maggots ar huge some are around 1" long. They are also spiny. Below is a description and photos of the nasties. I've also seen them in cats and dogs but this was quite a severe case.



Poor thing OUCH

I work in a cardiac and pulmonary unit. I got a patient that was in with respiratory distress. He had severe Cerebal Palsy that left him unable to speak or verbalize is needs. He normally lives in a nursing home and his parents visit everyday. just awesome awesome parents, but with their advancing age they needed help with his cares.

He was very well cared for by his parents, they always kept a close eye on his cares.

Anyway...so we get this patient, and i go with the CNA to assist in night time cares. I was showing the CNA our new suction/toothbrush system we can use on patients like this. It's specifically made for patients who can't really open their mouths alot and are difficult to do oral care on. So i go to do this (im the first one to do this in the hospital as he was recently admitted). And i suctioned out this black blob of something. I think to myself....but he can't eat (G tube), why would he have this in his mouth?? I asked the CNA to grab a flash light. I took the flash light to his mouth...OH MY GOD!!!! it was ALL black gunk. How this got missed by docs assessment? i have no idea.

It was just covered in black dried crud. I started getting the loose stuff out. This warranted a page to the doc. He got up, not happy with me paging him this late. he looked in his mouth "my god!!!" he said. We were literally SCOOPING this black crud out of his mouth. I called up Respiratory therapy thinking they may have some guidance. they turned on humidified oxygen with a mask to loosen it up. This black crud started turning to this black goop. It reminded me of tar. literally looked like tar. So we continue to SCOOP it out of his mouth.

Low and behold, his respiratory distress gets better!

Go figure :icon_roll

Needless to say, this nursing home got a big talking to because oral care was not being done properly (obviously). It was the most discusting thing i ever dealt with, also one of the saddest. You felt so bad for this patient that he couldn't verbalize what was wrong. Given i'm sure the docs at our facility looked in his mouth, but it was really difficult to see because he opened his mouth only enough to fit our mouth swabs in. Nothing else. So it is easy to miss, but does NOT give a reason for this to have happened to this patient.

what inn the world was that black stuff