
World Australia


Ok, I'll start a thread too! :cool:

In an effort to help our non -Aussies understand our lingo, I'll start a thread on our slang words and / or words that are parculiar, common, here in Aust. So everybody, get onboard & add to the list...


Yes, in Aust we REALLY DO use the word MATE.

The word MATE means; friend, pal, buddy. Some people call their spouse MATE, as in their BEST MATE.Or a BEST MATE can be someone you consider really special. It's common to hear; "G'day Mate", said as a greeting.I think the origin of the word stems from World War 1. I may be wrong here on that, but I believe I heard that somewhere. The "Diggers" used the word in reference to their; "MATE". Please anyone, correct me if this is inaccurate.


This is another AUSSIE-ISM. It also is used to describe a friend, pal, buddy. Not as frequently used as the word "MATE". But was VERY much an often used word back in the 40's & 50's. We also used to have lollies called COBBERS! LOL Anyone old enough to remember those?

Well.... I've started it.....


Grace :cool: :kiss

How true is this example of Aussie foreplay:

" Hey, Sheila, wanna **** ?"

"I do NOW, ya silver tongued devil!"

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

CHUCK.... "Chuck the ball" as in THROW the ball.

"Chuck it out" as in dispose of something.

Another word for vomit here in Oz is; CHUNDER.

PEWK is another.

BONZA: as in Beaut, nice, good, great terrific etc.

Keep em coming folks....


Grace :cool: :devil: :kiss

how about a 'port' as in schoolbag..

or 'but' at the end of each sentence! :)

What a great thread

Then there is spew - again vomit (isnt it awful we focus on this)

Bloke loved your link

At the moment we still laugh every time the tennis commentator refer to the cahnging of the tennis balls as

'Serving with new balls"

A couple that are reall old as in my parents that are in their 80's


As busy as a one arm paper hanger

if you ask what are you making=

a wigwam for a gooses bridal - -- now come to think of that that may not be Aussie - please correct me

There is probably heaps more and we will have to conitue to add them

Hope you are keeping track - or are you writing a book Irae

I have used some terms here that maybe percular to us l dont know things such as

Rabbiting on or waffling on

Do these make sense to non aussies - if not it generally means (well at least to go on to long about a subjct and not get to the point)

Another expression that could be used is to have

Verbal diahorrea.

Flat out, like a lizard drinking.

Onya! As in good on you, use both postivily and negativly

Not all the sheep are grazing in the top paddock. Meaning a little thick.

Thick as a short plank, as in, well, stupid.

Aussie salute, waving flies away from face

Get stuffed, get lost, It's stuffed, its broken.

Wallaby Teds brother'd As in Roo-ted.

How cool, did you notice we can say "root" and it doesn't get beeped? Tee hee!!

A kanagaroo short in the top paddock - same as the sheep above

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

Unkile our American cousins, we don't "Root" for our team! We'd be labelled a s*#@&*!! for sure if we did!! In Oz we "Barrack" for our team.



Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

That should've read.... UNLIKE. LOL

Butter fingers on the keyboard!! LOL


How about "would'nt it tear the fork outta your nightie" in response to sad story.

describing the strength of a wind as being to"blow a dog of its chain"

commentary on flatus volume/amount "a bit more choke and that would've started"

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