Nurses: Oppression Can Stop With You

The intended purpose of this article is to explain that nursing is a largely oppressed occupation due to its social position and the occasional lack of professionalism displayed by some of its members. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines oppression as unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power. Due to its position on the social ladder combined with the sometimes unprofessional behaviors of its members, nursing is an oppressed occupation.

According to Whitehead (2010), the position of nursing within the socioeconomic framework is one of a relatively oppressed group - not as low in the social scale as some, but certainly not in the upper professional tier.

Oppressed people tend to lash out at each other as the result of a strong sense of displaced anger along with an overall lack of group empowerment. Many nurses are truly upset at their superiors and 'the system,' but end up displacing the anger onto their much less-threatening coworkers and subordinates.

In many healthcare facilities, administrative hierarchies promote and perpetuate oppressive conditions, such as inability to take uninterrupted breaks or meals, inadequate staffing ratios, limited supplies, and little recognition of nurses' ability to think critically (Townsend, 2012). In other words, many hospital units and nursing home wings are home to toxic working environments where oppressed nurses behave rudely toward one another, engage in gossip, start rumors, and act like immature schoolyard bullies while management looks the other way.

Let's examine the crab mentality for a moment.

Any person who has been in an area where fresh seafood is sold has likely noticed that crabs are left in open buckets. There is no need to place lids on the buckets because, when one crab climbs near the top of the container, the other crabs latch on and pull it back to the bottom. Hence, all of the crabs experience the same fate. If one single crab is in the bucket by itself, it will make it to the top, leverage its way out of the container, and escape to freedom because nothing holds it back. Although the lone crab almost always escapes, none ever get away if other crabs are at the bottom of the bucket. Crab mentality is also a powerful metaphor for human behavior, especially in oppressed groups such as nursing, where some of its members do everything in their power to latch on and keep others down.

However, oppression can stop with you. Power comes in numbers. Remember this saying: United we stand, divided we fall. It is time for nurses to stop lashing out at each other and start funneling the negative energies into more positive endeavors such as mentoring newer graduates, helping coworkers feel welcome, providing the best patient care possible with the constraints involved, and getting politically involved to help bring about beneficial changes.

The nursing profession in the United States has more than three million members, and is the largest healthcare occupation in the country. History shows us that oppressed groups can push for change if every individual in the group pulls together, supports one another, and organizes effectively. The Civil Rights movement of several generations ago is a prime example of oppressed people coming together. Oppression can stop with you, and empowerment can begin with you.

Specializes in Home Health, MS, Oncology, Case Manageme.

I don't know the answer. I recently left a job with a national home care company because it was a "hostile work environment". The surprising thing is that so many others put up with it. Where I live there are plenty of home care jobs for nurses, so why stay? When I ask they respond that they think they can't do better. But then I find out they haven't even looked. We will continue to see this oppression as long as the nurses stay and put up with it. I did my part by leaving and writing a complaint to the corporate office about the behavior of my supervisors. Corporate said they are investigating it. Of course, they may not do anything about it but at least I complained instead of just ignoring the problem.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I hate the general attitude of nurses
I refer to the general attitude of many nurses as the 'martyr mentality,' and it disgusts me. It's time to quit lashing out against one's coworkers, stop contributing to the problem, and start being a part of the solution.
Specializes in PACU, OR.
It seems unlikely that nurses will ever join together. Read a few different posts on nurses think nurses who work in long term care aren't real nurses. Bachelors prepared nurses look down on those with Associate degrees. Older nurses think new nurses are entitled brats and new nurses want the older ones to get out of the field so they will have a job.

I don't think it's simply a matter of professional snobbery, I think it's more to do with "divide and rule". I see this virtually every day. It's very easy for a clever manager to sow discord amongst the staff. Favoritism, unfair treatment, words whispered here and there to selected staff members, threats of disciplinary procedures and staff are quick to take the ovine route.

What management fears most in their staff is a united front of informed, empowered people, which is why unions are feared, and I believe forbidden, or at least actively discouraged, in some of your states. The easiest way to right a wrong is when a group grievance is launched; management can't sweep these under the carpet!

Another factor I've seen is when a group of people are unsure of correct practice, and are consequently unwilling to buck a manager who imposes an unfair working condition. If you lack the courage of your own convictions, you're going to be trampled on. Sadly, it's easier to keep your head down and stay under the radar than it is to rock the boat and fight for improvement.

I think our NSMs and UMs need to reminded that they, too, are nurses. They, too, swore an oath to the public and the profession when they qualified. Entering management did not nullify that oath. If they are permitting and/or actively propagating conditions that impact negatively on members of their profession and consequently patient care, they must question their right to call themselves nurses.

Specializes in Oncology.
Imagine if we use this power in unity instead of tearing each other down. Do you have any idea how powerful we could be as nurses if we stand together and have solid platform. We could change the aspects of how we work. We could be the catalyst that has the resolution. Right now we are at stalemate. We are refusing to hire our own because they do not have enough experience. We are holding those who will not retire accountable for not us working. It is about time NURSES come together .As nurses' we can not allow other professions dictate what we can and can not do as a nurse. The time has arise for us to stop the division and unite as nurses of the same profession.

Could this be the reason why management looks the other way and turns a blind eye to the antics that go on around their units? While we're busy being nasty to each other, we're not rallying all of our energies and working together collectively to help ourselves! Hmmm . . . seems like a good strategy if were management? Some pschyo babble psychology research probably teaches management to not only allow this sort of thing to go on, but encourage it as well?

Specializes in Oncology.
I agree with you completely and for years I worked in hospitals where I wished that all of the nurses would unite and stand up together against administration and demand better conditions for our work and for our patients. However, most of the nurses I worked with were not at all interested in this. They would complain and agree that something should be done, but none were willing to do anything about it. They seemed to worry that if they said or did anything, they would lose their job. Finally, I got out of the hospital environment and into a better one. Now I am respected where I work, treated fairly, encouraged to be independent and think outside the box, supported, praised, paid well, given freedom in my schedule and the list goes on and on. I will never return to working in a hospital. Never. I would not have been offered this job without the experience of 13 years I toiled in hospitals and I am glad that I have that experience, but I have never been so happy in my career. It's a shame because I am a good nurse and loved taking care of patients and I am surrounded now every day by other good nurses who will also unlikely return to a hospital. It's sad that some nurses feel they have to leave and give up direct patient care to enter other areas in order to be treated decently. I have some friends and family members who have left the profession completely because of this.

We have lost 4 nurses from our unit in the last 2 1/2 months because of the poor conditions in which we are forced to work. All of them were newer nurses, 3 of them worked less than a year. One thing about the younger nurses that I have observed, they are less willing to put up with what they deem as unsafe conditions , pathetic scheduling and just overall bad working environment. JMBnurse, I think what you're saying is very accurate. I am not sure what they're going to use for nurses in the future? So many are just saying NO to the crazy bedside nursing scenario because of understaffing and so much stress. I am only going to work for another 8 years (till I'm 60 years old and not a day longer!) and I'm hoping I make it that long, it is so bad some days I wonder if I can actually even do that? Would love to find a position, such as you speak of. I am sure jobs like yours are not a dime a dozen? I have a friend that recently left our unit and was fortunate enough to get on at an Outpatient Endoscopy facility and says that she loves it and she is treated so much better than she was in the hospital setting on our unit. We nurses mean almost nothing to a hospital viewed merely as numbers and warm bodies, hence the reason we are treated the way we are, undervalued and sorely appreciated.

Specializes in Oncology.
As a black man that happens to be a Registered nurse, I do find the two comparisons to be offensive. Granted,there is oppression in the nursing profession but it does not hold the same weight..... And if you do believe that the two issues are on the same level there's nothing more I can say (outside of I wish I had a d%#^ time machine I could let you borrow)

This is ridiculous, nit picking on Commuter's excellent article/topic! Give her a break! Obviously, she didn't intentionally mean to offend anyone. I think it's absurd that certain people had to find any offense in what she wrote!

Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, ED, Psych.
Excellent article. Sadly, those who try to fight for change often end up discouraged, tired, beaten down. I'm not ready to give up quite yet, but I'm getting there. :(

I am there already. I am horrendously sick of this profession and I have made the decision to turn my back on it - Its not what it used to be (even 10 years ago was better than how it is now). Like you said, being a champion for change is a set up for failure. Am I crabby? Yes - 10 years of drama, name calling, insults, petty write ups, verbal and physical abuse, unsafe working conditions and unsupportive management have led me to believe that being a Champion for Change is a fantasy.

Is change possible? Yes. How do we change? Sad truth is - we quit and move on to do something else.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Is change possible? Yes. How do we change? Sad truth is - we quit and move on to do something else.
This mechanism for change is also known as 'voting with your feet' (read: leaving nursing altogether). When enough people do this, it can actually be effective enough to get TPTB to take notice of the problems that are occurring in the nursing profession.
Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

High paid CEO's do not improve patient outcomes in the acute care setting, adequate numbers of professional nurses properly trained and supported in providing nursing care to patients improves outcomes.

Until hospital systems acknowledge and embrace this fact there will continue to be struggles to maintain the bottom line of the facility at the expense of nurses. And when the outcomes suffer the nurses will still be blamed and asked to do more with less and the CEO will collect a bonus for continuing to put bandaids on the problems.

Thanks for citing my article:

Whitehead, B. (2010). Will graduate entry free nursing from the shackles of class and gender oppression?. Nursing times, 106(21), 19-22

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Thanks for citing my article:

Whitehead, B. (2010). Will graduate entry free nursing from the shackles of class and gender oppression?. Nursing times, 106(21), 19-22

You're very welcome. Thanks for writing that particular article!

I have many customer service experience and worked in a company that truly values it's own employees prior to working in healthcare and it is frustrating when I get response from HR or administration that does not make me feel valued. Healthcare needs to cultivate the attitude of valuing its own employees to promote retention and create a good working environment. Because of my background, I treat new co-workers as a valued member of my work, like a family. It is frustrating to watch preceptors who do not readily prepare new nurses. Many of them starts working without being shown where to get copies of protocols, how to obtain blood from blood bank. Geez. I think this is so because veteran nurses do not get recognition for their knowledge and preceptorship is pushed on them. Incentive should be given. They should receive thank you cards from the manager, the company etc. I thank God that I became a nurse for altruistic reasons or I would have quit.