Charge Nurse harassment about pumping

Nurses Relations


Hey everyone..I went back to work a few month ago after having baby. the middle of my pumping..the Charge Nurse called me angrily and told me that I was only allowed to pump during my 30 min lunch break and that I needed to stop right then. She only "lets" me pump during my. 30 min lunch during whole shift. I have been struggling to keep up with my baby's demands and I even had decent supply going back in. Should I tell HR what's going on? I tried telling Nurse Manager but she only backs her up saying to me "I don't understand why you need to pump anyways". I guess I'm not surprised I have been harassed by CN from beginning. First week she said to me "Looks like they hired my replacement"..yeah okay. I don't care I just don't want her to affect my child.. What can I do about this?

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

The ACA (Obamacare) gives you special protections to pump milk for your infant up to 1 year of age. Exact time intervals are not specified but I'm sure documentation from your doctor could go a long way (needs to pump for 20 minutes every 4-6 hrs, something like this). They must also provide you with an area (not a bathroom) to pump.

Having said that, if you are like most and you are an "at will" employee they can let you go for no reason at all. That is why it is important that you document these unacceptable statements from your supervisor (charge nurse) so with that information on record your employer can at least deeply consider firing you as you have some documentation that could support a wrongful termination suit (and a nasty news story).

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

Many states had laws protecting nursing moms pre-dating Obamacare. Bonus if there's federal protection now. :dummy: Breastfeeding Law: Know Your Legal Rights has them listed by state w/ statute numbers.

Plus, labor laws say we are entitled to breaks. Whether or not you are lactating during said breaks is NONE of her business.

Does she angrily summon the smokers to come back from smoke breaks??

YES, talk to HR, esp. since talking to your NM has gotten you nowhere. Print out your state's law if it has one; find the provision in the ACA that PP mentioned. Are you part of a union? If so, talk to your rep also. Next time she tells you you can only pump during your 30 minute lunch, remind her that the law disagrees with her.

Keep a paper trail. Document your conversations, keep copies of your performance reviews. Employment at will can be tricky, but employers are not above the law when exercising their will. The charge nurse doesn't have hiring/firing authority, it DOESN'T MATTER if your NM understands why you pump, and hopefully HR wouldn't be so stupid as to not back you up. Because again, you are protected BY LAW.

I'm sick to death of this mentality that we shouldn't take breaks because We Are Nurses and we would never do something so selfish as to take a break. Especially for something so wonderful and healthy as breastfeeding!! Legally or morally, you do not have to be a martyr for your floor to be a good nurse. You keep on being the good mommy I'm sure you are, keep taking care of yourself so that you have something to give to others. Remember your rights, and don't let your baby be affected by this woman.

Man, I'm lit up. :mad: I've nursed five babies and have NO patience for people like that. Hugs mama!!!

Here.i.stand..yeah no union at this hospital. Just fed up with not having enough milk to feed my baby at sitter because only pumping one time during my lunch. The sad part is is that I work with a bunch of women..if anyone would understand I would think they would.

Specializes in Multiple.

I have never understand why healthcare workers, nurses especially, give such grief when it comes to nursing your child. Please use the law to your advantage; stand up for yourself and future pumping moms.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

That's unfortunate, but remember you do have the law on your side. They don't need to understand, but they do have to comply with the law. :yes:

If you are an at will employee, they can let you go for any reason at all. And as sad as that is, you are protected by federal law regarding your need to pump.

I would state to the charge nurse that you need to take your 2 15 minute and lunch breaks as indicated. If she gives you a hard time, i would go directly to HR, and explain the situation.

Statements such as "I don't know why you are pumping" etc are at the very least, inappropriate.

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