A surgeon yelled at me...

Nurses Relations


....so I hung up the phone in mid rant. I had 2 hypotensive patients. One was orthostatic; one was due to exsanguination. I'm on the phone with 4 doctors, CT, blood bank,the nursing supervisor,CVICU, and this jerk surgeon. I'm trying to talk to family and control my hot flashes all at the same time. He's yelling at me because orders from day shift weren't carried out. I very calmly and politely put the phone down and went back to work. The supervisor called me and told me that the surgeon wanted me written up. I told my supervisor what happened. He told me to write up the surgeon. So I did. Monday should be interesting. :angryfire

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Just attended a 2 day Values in Practice managers meeting for muti hospital system.

Part of message delivered was: Report offensive Physicans to CEO and they will be delt with through Medical Director. CEO of one hospital was appalled how one doctor for years got away with bullying nursing staff. Docs was immediately reprimanded.

I wonder if this was the same surgeon that I was warned about in 1982 while student at this facility??

"We can't afford to lose one nurse nor allow hostile work environment" if our facilities are to flourish was corporate message.

PS: RETENTION as priority over hiring and retention bonus also mentioned. Seems some facilities ARE getting it.

Uppity women are so cool!


I am really proud of you, MollyMo! If more of these egocentric physicians knew that they were going to be written up, they might not be as likely to run their mouths.

DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT be intimidated when in the presence of this physician. Do not treat him any differently than you ever did. Don't drop your eyes, or be more subservient to him. Fat chance! :-) Stand your ground. Our patients always come first! Our egos usually come in at least second!:rolleyes:

I have to say that you have given me a new way to deal with doctors who yell at me. Can't believe I didn't think of that before! Good for you!

Anybody know how to hang up in person..... :)

:idea:Yes. You simply turn around and walk away.

Yup! Simply say, "excuse me," and split! (Preferably to your charge or Manager to let them know what is going on-you can bet your sweet patootie that the Dr. will beat feet to "tattle on you!":rolleyes: :D

You can use my line: "I did not hold a gun to your head and force you to go to medical school. I did not then hold that gun to your head and force you into (specialty here). If you didn't want to be here at this hour to deal with this problem you should have gone into dermatology." I cannot count how many surgeons and cardiologists I have said that to over the past 10 years. It has shut every single one of them up.

Way to go. Glad your supervisor supported you. Too bad said supervisor wasn't there to actually help you deal with what sounded like a very unsafe situation!

Keep up the good work.

We have one notorious idiot surgeon that has hissy fits in person and on the phone. Typically we get his post-ops to the floor and he never bothers to write for tylenol or diet instructions etc. One time the night nurse kept calling him because his pt. kept vomiting, had an extended abdomen and fever.He yelled at her that abdominal surgeries always go like that and she should know that. Well, finally, the patient started projectile vominting about 5:30 am and had to go back to surgery, turns out he left a sponge in her! Of course, she never got an apology, but now his nickname is SpongeBob!

Good for you, Molly Mo! And you know to call the posse if necessary, right? Meds aren't the only thing we can give out..wink.gif biggrin.gif

God Bless you all for your support. Monday was uneventful. I saw the surgeon in CVICU. He averted his eyes and said nothing. I think the supervisor wrote him up as well. He called me that night and asked for specific details about the patient and what the surgeon said to me. I am woman, hear me roar!!! Thanks, all. Be Blessed. :kiss

Originally posted by Michigan Nurse

Anybody know how to hang up in person..... :)

Tell them if they wanted banker's hours they should have become one. :D

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