Report rant

Specialties NICU


OK, do you all ever have days where you want to smack the person you have to give report to? I ALWAYS seem to get this one particular nurse who everyone hates to give report to and she spends her time criticizing everything I've done and even things that previous shifts have done as though everything is my fault and she's the only competent nurse on the unit. I've been in NICU for 2 years now and have noticed it's fairly common among NICU nurses. I didn't experience this nearly as much before when I did L&D.

Talaxandra - that is exactly what happens to me with a couple of nurses I work with.

Listen to my report please! I just wanna go home. :o

Fergus - We occasionally post an etiquette memo about report which says to be quiet and let the nurse give report and THEN ask questions.

We do have one great nurse who is so tired at 2:45 a.m. that report goes slowly but I can forgive that.


Talaxandra - that is exactly what happens to me with a couple of nurses I work with.

Listen to my report please! I just wanna go home. :o

Fergus - We occasionally post an etiquette memo about report which says to be quiet and let the nurse give report and THEN ask questions.

We do have one great nurse who is so tired at 2:45 a.m. that report goes slowly but I can forgive that.


Specializes in Medical.

what?! fergus, are you trying to tell me that you are prepared to risk a [color=lightblue]baby boy's future gender-based security, by wrapping him in a pink blanket, just because you think saving his life is more important? boy, i hope you never look after my child! ;)

steph, i like the idea of an etiquette report. the more i think about it the more ideas i have for a course:

day 1. listen, look and learn: how to receive handover without being strangled

day 2. have a clue: how to give handover so the oncoming nurse knows the important stuff or if i have one more handover where i get told that the patient didn't eat the peas but really liked sweetcorn, but not about the central line, sepsis, and surgery in the morning, heads will roll!

day 3. gather ye info while ye may: how to look professional, or how knowing why your patient is having hydration, and what their latest bloods are not only help when ringing for new orders but also enhance your patient care

day 4. keep it clean: appropriate language in the common areas or patients don't want to hear about how a three-way was the high light of your weekend

i have dozed off while giving handover after nights, i grant you, but i pay attention when i'm getting it :)

sorry fergus - i think i hijacked your thread!

Specializes in Medical.

what?! fergus, are you trying to tell me that you are prepared to risk a [color=lightblue]baby boy's future gender-based security, by wrapping him in a pink blanket, just because you think saving his life is more important? boy, i hope you never look after my child! ;)

steph, i like the idea of an etiquette report. the more i think about it the more ideas i have for a course:

day 1. listen, look and learn: how to receive handover without being strangled

day 2. have a clue: how to give handover so the oncoming nurse knows the important stuff or if i have one more handover where i get told that the patient didn't eat the peas but really liked sweetcorn, but not about the central line, sepsis, and surgery in the morning, heads will roll!

day 3. gather ye info while ye may: how to look professional, or how knowing why your patient is having hydration, and what their latest bloods are not only help when ringing for new orders but also enhance your patient care

day 4. keep it clean: appropriate language in the common areas or patients don't want to hear about how a three-way was the high light of your weekend

i have dozed off while giving handover after nights, i grant you, but i pay attention when i'm getting it :)

sorry fergus - i think i hijacked your thread!

Not hijacked at all . .. I'm sure Fergus will get a kick out of it. :)

I'll try to find that etiquette memo today . .. .trying to avoid the hospital as I'm on 24 hour OB call and don't want to jinx myself.



Not hijacked at all . .. I'm sure Fergus will get a kick out of it. :)

I'll try to find that etiquette memo today . .. .trying to avoid the hospital as I'm on 24 hour OB call and don't want to jinx myself.



Heehee:) I do think that's cute Talaxandra:) Yes, I'm sure the boy will grow up to be gay or a transvestite or something because I didn't change the pink blanket for a blue one;)

Personally, I don't mind questions while I give report as long as they pertain to what I was speaking about. I don't like stupid nitpicky bs questions designed to make supernurse feel cool. Luckily she's on vacation from now until the middle of January, so maybe I won't see her for a while. There are 2 others in the unit, but they work the same shift as me so they can only criticize me if they happen to be near my patients while we're working.

Heehee:) I do think that's cute Talaxandra:) Yes, I'm sure the boy will grow up to be gay or a transvestite or something because I didn't change the pink blanket for a blue one;)

Personally, I don't mind questions while I give report as long as they pertain to what I was speaking about. I don't like stupid nitpicky bs questions designed to make supernurse feel cool. Luckily she's on vacation from now until the middle of January, so maybe I won't see her for a while. There are 2 others in the unit, but they work the same shift as me so they can only criticize me if they happen to be near my patients while we're working.

Thank goodness we tape reports..when we used to give verbal reports we'd NEVER get out on time..or even close..I remember these 2 buddy/tag team nurses we had to report off to..rude and very inconsiderate people who would talk among themselves while you were TRYING to report off...pissed everybody day I had enough after they stopped me for the umpteenth time asking me to repeat something cuz they were jabbering while I was reporting...and I told them both a very professional way of course ;) ..was toooooo funny everyone around was sitting there with their jaws dropped...hehe...worked though..they shut up during report after that...seems you have to point out rudeness to clueless people sometimes.

Thank goodness we tape reports..when we used to give verbal reports we'd NEVER get out on time..or even close..I remember these 2 buddy/tag team nurses we had to report off to..rude and very inconsiderate people who would talk among themselves while you were TRYING to report off...pissed everybody day I had enough after they stopped me for the umpteenth time asking me to repeat something cuz they were jabbering while I was reporting...and I told them both a very professional way of course ;) ..was toooooo funny everyone around was sitting there with their jaws dropped...hehe...worked though..they shut up during report after that...seems you have to point out rudeness to clueless people sometimes.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Ugh. I hate verbal report. I always get the clods.

We tape or write report. It's much more efficient.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Ugh. I hate verbal report. I always get the clods.

We tape or write report. It's much more efficient.

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