Columbia University ETP Program 2013

U.S.A. New York


The thread here for the Columbia University ETP program for entry in 2012 is pretty long (45 pages right now!), so I was hoping to elicit some of the same responses for those who are applying in 2013. Let's get to know each other!

Why are you applying to Columbia? What have you heard about the program- good, bad or ugly? Are you nervous, excited, ambivalent?

Looking forward to getting to know some of you!

beeyoo216 I also would be moving from Southern California, San Diego specifically. I'm still waiting to hear from Vanderbilt before I make my decision. I also have an interview at USD later this month but they don't offer the PMHNP specialty in the accelerated program. I'm definitely nervous about the possibility of moving across the country but super excited!!

samdaman, do you know the reason why selecting 5th year/other undergraduate rather than 1st year graduate maximizes the amount of financial aid we receive? I just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

because there's generally more money available for undergraduates. And we're getting our BSNs so technically we're undergrad students.

beeyoo216, im also from california. I'm waiting to hear back from hopkins and Penn. Penn is my favorite so far but I have yet to visit columbia.

I got into acute care!! thank you God!!

Awesome! It's nice to hear alot of people are also from Cali!!

I applied to other Cali schools as well. Got an interview at Western and I'm still waiting on Samuel Merritt, CSULA and CSULB. Columbia is my first choice though!

I just submitted my FAFSA, but I filed as a graduate student because that would make me an 'independent'. Would filing as an undergrad still give me more fin aid? Do you know if it's possible to change my student status?

Does the amount of money we made in 2011 have a direct effect on the amount of financial aid we receive? I got an email after I applied for FAFSA saying the estimated amount I'll receive is $12,500.

I am from CA too! (LA area)

@hannahzp: i JUST submitted my FAFSA and it said the same thing. I assume the accurate estimate will take a little longer to process?! and I will probably need more than 12K..

Since the ETP program starts in May, do we file for the 2012-2013 FAFSA? Just making sure..

beyoo216 That's what I did.

Columbia is my first choice. Yea, your quantitative is stellar. I'm Asian too and bring shame to the race :). Glad I have GI Bill to cover a large part of the living cost.

Well if you do make it out there, it'll be cool to have another military face in the class with. Best wishes with the other program(s).

Hey guys!

Just got in! So excited! Congrats to all!

Has anyone heard about what the schedule is like? I know its supposed to be intense but does anybody know what a sample schedule looks like?

I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to do now. My two options are Columbia and UMDNJ. UMDNJ seems like a much better idea because its SO much cheaper. The total cost of UMDNJ is $30,000 total. Although I've heard iffy things about both schools (like how they're disorganized, not such supportive faculty, etc.) I'm wondering if with all the aid and scholarships, Columbia's tuition can be comparable. Also, the deadline to let them know is March 15th and I wont hear back from UMDNJ until after that. Should I just screw it and give them the $500 (omg!) deposit and wait to find out from UMDNJ?

Last thing: I was told I need to pick a different specialty because women's health is full. How do we do that?

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