all 205 questions. ???

Nursing Students NCLEX


So does this mean I likely failed it? The first 100 questions were a horrible experience. I was so sleep deprived that my eyes kept closing on me and I couldn't concentrate on a single question. Am I screwed?

Don't give up yet, you could either passed it or failed it. It doesn't matter how many questions you got. Keep your fingers crossed! Goodluck!

Thanks. So I have to ask everyone this question.....have you, or someone you know, gotten asked all 205 questions on the NCLEX-PN before? If so, did they pass or fail? Your responses are much appreciated.

Hello, I just took the exam 0n 03/27/07 and I also got 205. I called the board and they said my results will be mailed out on 04/20/07 I got a multiple of variety questions. this has been a hectic three weeks. good luck to all

Specializes in Geriatric/Psych.

i have 3 friends that got 205 all 3 passed, so dont worry

Well, I mentioned already that I got all 205 questions and found out I passed today. Good luck to you all.

I took my Nclex pn exam on 9/13 and I too got 205 question's...GESSS I feel upset not knowing if I pass or fail.. All I kept thinking about was my classmate who took it before I did and he got 205 question and failed... Thinking about him even mad me sick to my stomach....

People are telling me that I can call this number ( i don't know what it is0 and get a result within 2 days.. But I don't know if I want to do that, what if they tell me I failed.. OMG I would'nt know what to do. Anywho... GOOD LucK TO YOU...

God Bless!


Hi everyone, new to this. Im taking my NCLEX-PN in two weeks. i have studied and studied and feel 90% confident, now im reading all about the suzannes plan and am wondering if i have done the right thing by following saunders and kaplan? Any positve or negative feedback on this? thanks..:uhoh3:

Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

goodluck..i took the nclex pn last june 16 and im waiting for the result..

Hello! I just want to share my experience. I took my exam last Sept. 29, 2008 together with my classmate (Like most of my classmates, she got 85 qs only). I had 205 questions.. believe me or not, I don't know anything about the exam. I studied right after the graduation because our mock board exam said that I would fail it. after taking the test, we were at the parking lot and crying. We actually ate at a buffet right after. I was really convinced that I failed and planning to take it again. But GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! Today I got my letter, jump off my bed when my dad hand it to me. hahaha. I Passed my exam!

Good luck, just trust God & believe in yourself!:nurse::typing

Congratulations on passing the exam, may you continue to excel in the Nursing field:yeah:.

I took my PN test Friday and the comp stop at quest 85 but I don't know what happen because I was dazed and confused like if the questions were of a foreign language. I cried all the way home and am still crying a day later. I honestly feel horrible about the test and KNOW I failed. Nevertheless, I know what horror to expect if I have to take it again.

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