infection control

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi, I would like to run this by everyone to see if I am correct.

standard PPE - gloves, gown, mask, goggle

airborne - negative air pressure (612), respiratory mask n95 for TB, door close

droplet - mask, google, stay 3ft away, can have door open.

contact - gown and gloves

Am I missing anything else?

Make sure you know your diseases. like SARS fall under Airbourne and contact. There are few which are both airbourne and contact. Good Luck with your exam

God Bless

Know the correct order of donning and removal of PPE.

Malenurse I know the diseases, I am a little confused what to wear for what.

Lavender- checked, got that one down

Am i missing any information besides, cohort private rooms? I failed to mention that earlier

2) i notice the trainer questions for kaplan are harder than Qbank do you guys find this as well?

I don't think you wear goggle for droplet as you mentioned in your post. Mask, 3 ft away and cohort room is all for droplet. Goggles, you wear if there is a situation where you think you might have body/blood fluids are going to splash on you.

Hope this helps.

Specializes in Ambulatory care.

Know what the various syumptoms of the disease or at least transmission route, sometimes they "hide" these infection control question within an example so its upto you to figure it out based on the symptoms. Regardless of which precaution you always wash hands and change gloves between patients. Even with same pt you change and wash when you've contaminated your gloves big time.

ORDER OF PPE ON: gown>mask>goggle>gloves

ORDER OF PPE REMOVAL: gloves>goggles>mask>gown.

STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: for any and all. handwashing, glove, mask, goggle, gown, . note shards dispoal and never recap needles.

CONTACT PRECAUTIONS - transmitssion by contact with patient directly or between host and and object. Think of the word .. you come into contact with it so touch.

Pt: put in private room or with pt with same geerms. PPE: gloves, hand washing, pt care - gets is own equiptment or disinfect in between. Ex of germs: Cdiff, s. aureus, rsv, h1n1 flu, wound infection, skin infections, eye ifections.

DROPLET PRECAUTIONS membranes, particle size greater >5um, how to make droplets? sneeze, cough, talking or during procedures that can generate droplet sprays ex: tracheostomy or bronchoscopy. Droplets drop so they dont stay suspecned in air they travel about 3 ft. PPE: Mask, gloves and pt if transporting he/she wears a mask too. Ex of germs: anthrax, adenovirus, diptheria, epiglotis, flu, menigitis, mumps, pneumonia, pertussis, rebella, scarlet fever, sepsis, strep

AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS- particles are smaller than

What doesw PPE means

Personal protective equipment

good info thanks to everyone

know evry infectious disease mode of transmission,try to read this

Nurse Call: Infection Control

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