I got 76 questions!

Nursing Students NCLEX


:uhoh3: I took the NCLEX earlier today and got 76 questions. Is that good or bad? I am about 95% sure that i got the last one right, does that mean anything? Also the test didn't seem that hard..most of my friends that took it and passed said it was so hard. I also got majority priority questions, like 4 meds questions and two select all that apply and 2 math questions. I'm a little stressed and thought maybe some one out there could help me out. Thanks!!

Took it this AM too. Same here. There is nothing you can do but to wait and see. I got 75q's. It can really go either way: very good :) or very bad :( But let's hope for VERY good :)

Specializes in nicu.

I took mine two weeks ago and passed with 75. I haven't heard too much about people passing with a low number of questions so I am thinking you did ok. Does your state participate in quick results? Hopefully they do an you will be able to find out in 48 hours. A friend of mine is taking it right now so pray for her. Good luck to both of you. Keep us updated.

Thanks for the input. This wasn't my first time, last time i got 75. I should get the results by thursday morning. Good luck to medchick's friends!

Specializes in nicu.

Thanks Fio, I will pass that along to her. She had 265 questions and was the about 3 1/2 hours. I am sure she did fine. Maybe the computer just took a liking to her :) Keep us updated on how it went.

Specializes in Neuro Surgery,telemetry.

best of uck to yah guys...hope you pass...enjoy waiting and advance congratulations!!!!

Congratulations Fio22!!!!! :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Specializes in Clinical Nursing and OR Nursing.

:Melody: :Melody: CONGRATULATIONS FIO22!:Melody: :Melody: :balloons: :balloons: :monkeydance:

what time did you find out today?

RIZA:sofahider :behindpc: :heartbeat

Specializes in nicu.

CONGRATS FIO22....I'm so excited for you. Welcome to our little club.

Specializes in nicu.

Well...I just found out that my friend did not pass. She is really upset right now. Gonna call her in a little while to check on her. Hope everyone is well.

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