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  1. Now I am really questioning nursing

    What motivated me to quit my job for a nursing career in psychiatry is a book called Welcome to my country wrriten by Laura Slater as well as my degree in Psychology.
  2. Now I am really questioning nursing

    I agree with cyber kat, i am ex F/A (hence the name) who just left his job last week. There are many F/A around and believe it is exactly the SAME. And working online is the same too. people doubt about their job, it doesnt make them happy. They foun...
  3. french nurse

    I understand yoru problem because i am french but i have spent all my adult life in London, i ve done my BSc Psychology in the UK as well, and everytime i wanna talk about a psychology topic with french people, i just can't find the french equivalent...
  4. Can any Male Nurse help me ?

    Why do you need help from a male student? Females are not outcast, you know!
  5. Family objections to your career

    To start with, parents should always support their children's choice, as long as it is a legal and decent one , maybe he would have prefered to be told that your career inspiration was to sell your body? Try that next time. Honnestly, i dont know yo...
  6. Percent of men in class?

    Well, as i have said before, i prefer to be working with girls than boys but again it depends. Regarding the straigh/gay thing i never had any problem with straight collegues. Of course, as a F/a straight guys expcted to be on the minority side! And ...
  7. Percent of men in class?

    Would see being the only male student in your class a problem? I ve always done "female" jobs in the past so i am used to be on the minority side, doesnt bother at all. As a F/A i much more prefered to fly with girls than boys anyway. Having said th...
  8. How old are you?

    Hi guys, i am starting nursing school next year. I will be 29 years old then. I am kinda worry to be seen as an old fart. I know some people start their nursing studies later but what is the AVERAGE age?
  9. I have blood in my urine

    Hello Girls, That is, assuming you are girls!! Anyway i did also suffer a lot because of those bloody kidney stones. I had 4 lipso, i went to E.R at least 15 times within 4 years. My last major kidney stone crisis was on a plane 8 months. I decided t...
  10. Ex flight.attendant actually..

    Hi both of you for the quick replies. Well, actually i am French but i have spent all my adult life in London. Anyway, your niece made the best decision she could have ever taken. Cabin crew (you are in the uk!) is regarded as a very glamourous job, ...
  11. well, ex flight attendant actually

    That's it i have resigned from my job and i am getting ready for my new career, i am supposed to start my mental health nursing course in January. Some people think i am doing the right thing as i have a degree in psychology, some think i am plain cr...
  12. Ex flight.attendant actually..

    That's it i have resigned from my job and i am getting ready for my new career, i am supposed to start my mental health nursing course in January. Some people think i am doing the right thing as i have a degree in psychology, some think i am plain cr...