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About jelson

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  1. Questions about HFCC

    Aznurse2baz! You need to check your email/hawkmail. You must be in because I got in on an application, I wasn't even on the list.
  2. HFCC FALL OF 2014

    Hey, I got accepted to the program for Fall 2014. I was one of the people who missed getting on the waitlist and had to apply. Has anyone heard about when clinicals are scheduled? I know it varies from school to school and even term to term, but I...
  3. Questions about HFCC

    Hoping someone can share some updated information since most of the HFCC threads are a few years old. What times are clinicals being held? Days? Times? I read in one thread that they were some people being stuck with weekend clinicals. Just curiu...
  4. HFCC FALL OF 2014

    Anyone on this board apply for Fall 14? I know most of the class will be coming off the waitlist, but Lorainne said they will back fill with the competitive applicants. I think my "score" for the application was a 57. Anyone care to share what the...
  5. HFCC FALL OF 2014

    EmilyEmily, Here is a link for the requirements. There is also a fb page for HFCC Health Careers.
  6. HFCC FALL OF 2014

    I saw on the hfcc fb page that people will be notified about orientation in May.
  7. HFCC FALL OF 2014

    I am applying for the Fall 2014 at HFCC. They recently switched over to the competitive admissions process. I took the HESI end of September and they stopped taking people for the waitlist during the start of September. Those who have to apply won...
  8. 2013 Wayne State

    If you apply to the school you should get a log in for Pipeline...kinda like webgate at WCCCD. Then you can look up past years schedules.
  9. 2013 Wayne State

    Hi Wen902, I looked at the course schedule awhile back and if you take the WSU traditional program and you have already completed EVERYTHING except nursing course, it would be possible to schedule a few days of work into your routine. You would also...
  10. 2013 Wayne State

    Good luck this semester!
  11. 2013 Wayne State

    Hey midido80, I have seen a lot of posts about WSU but there doesn't seem to be a lot of people who post often, I was hoping to see some people who might be taking their pre-reqs at WCCCD and then applying to WSU. Toledo Univeristy is my plan B, but...
  12. 2013 Wayne State

    Hey! Anyone applying at Wayne State for Fall 2013? Where are you taking your pre-reqs? Where else are you applying? Seems like WSU isn't really represented, just checking to see if there are any lurkers like me.
  13. I think its reassuring to know that it is the quality of time we spend with our children and not the quantity that matters the most. That's how I look at now that I am back in school. Yes, I spend some part of my day outside the home, but when I am...
  14. Wayne State CD2 Program

    TKVani, I just wanted to say sorry for all that you have been through. I am just starting out, I decided to go back a week before summer classes started and I am hoping to be ready for next fall. I will also apply to the CD2 program. I hope you g...
  15. Any Wayne State Fall 2012 applicants out there?

    Congrats to all you 2012ers! I am applying for next fall and although the average of your stats will be available at the info. meeting, I was wondering if individually you would be willing to share your GPA, repeats, and any other information, i.e. ...